"There are still a lot of people in the Army and Coast Guard that have a letter of reprimand in their file for refusing the vaccine..."
“That’s the first victory of having a Republican majority, and we’d like to have more of those victories, and we should start moving those now.”
Are foreign adversaries 'reimagining masculinity' in their ranks too?
The real reasons are rather plain to see, however, as the Pentagon and the US government shifts their political rhetoric to the extreme left.
(Natural News) The U.S. Army's first openly trans officer and 'her' spouse have been charged in a bizarre case involving an attempt to pass along secret information to Russia. The officer, who has been identified as 39-year old Major Jamie Lee Henry, and 'wife' Anna Gabrielian, who works at Johns Hopkins hospital, were arrested after … [Read More...]
"The Navy couldn’t separate [Fregeau] for vaccine refusal, so they drummed up a story about attempted desertion..."
Joe Biden just promised to defend it with the full military might of the United States.
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