Matthew 10:8: 8 Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons. Freely you received, freely give.
Mark 16:17 These signs will accompany those who have believed: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues; 18 they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”
As sid roth would rightly say, this is normal christianity according to the bible.
The following testimony is in the hopes of encouraging others who are true followers of Lord Jesus that this kind of supernatural life lived unto Him is also available to you.
i was ministering at the beach about 6 weeks ago and prayed some instant healing miracles of the Lord for some people who were all together.. one of these ladies invited me to visit her church some time and said she would talk to the pastor about allowing me to minister there...
so i felt to visit on Sunday Sept 14, 2014 and at some point late in the service, this new friend who is an elder within the church invited me to go with her to meet the head pastor, and she introduced me as something like, "this is ed and he has a gift of healing"... and this pastor was very very open and offered to have me minister to some people at the end of the service. this church has about 80 or 100 people on a Sunday morning.
but this was a very loud church with loud preaching so i felt to sit off to the side in the little kitchen for some solitude with he Lord while this was going on, soaking in His presence in silent contemplative prayer, connecting my heart to His in love.
when the noise settled down a bit, i came back in to the sanctuary... and it was 230 pm, and they had to leave to make room for the next church that shares the building..
but i had heard earlier that day from the friend i had met 6 weeks ago that the head pastor had pain in her shoulder and that the head pastor's husband had massive pain in His whole body, so i said to this pastor, "i heard your shoulder hurts, can i pray for you?" and she very enthusiastically said "yes!"... She described the pain right that moment as being about 7 out of 10, so i prayed in Jesus name and the Lord instantly healed her to zero pain and she was very happy and excited. Then i said, "i heard your husband has pain in his body too, can you introduce me to him for me to pray for him too?".. she did and i prayed for him.. he had described 10 out of 10 full body pain and was also instantly healed to zero pain in every part of his body.
then i went to visit the pastor in her office and there was another lady standing outside the door with 10/10 pain in her shoulder. The pastor said to her, "let him lay his hand on your shoulder!"... and so i prayed for her, laying my hand on her shoulder and she was instantly healed to zero pain.
The pastor then invited me into her office and we were talking for a minute... then the assistant pastor walked in who had 7/10 pain from his neck all down to his lower back from a recent car accident. The pastor said to him, "let him lay his hand on your back!"... i prayed for him and his pain went instantly to zero.
then everybody was leaving and this head pastor and i were in the parking lot talking a bit with some people. I said, "does anybody else want prayer for anything" and the church secretary who had pain in her shoulders and neck excitedly volunteered herself. i prayed for her and all her pain went to zero as well as getting filled with a lot of the Lord's peace and joy which i added to the prayer.
so all 5 of these people were instantly healed by the Lord to zero pain...
At some point during these healings, this pastor invited me to come and minister next sunday at their main service and/or wed nite at their bible study.
this was a nice breakthru, because i have been visiting many churches with an open heart and feeling for such an opportunity without it being forced, to be embraced by the pastor whom everybody trusts, so there would be a freedom to minister to people there without resistance or opposition and this is the largest such opportunity so far.
"I know she really appreciated your love and prayers MST. Thank you for having a heart for the hurting."
Dear Refreshed,
Thank you for your supportive comments. Much love to you in Jesus' beautiful name.
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