I don't know which forum section this topic fits to best. I hope that there are people here which know something about this.
This is about mitochondrial dysfuntion/ mitochondriopathy.
I am concerned that I suffer from this because I have elevated oxidative stress (determined via a blood test) and nitrosative stress (determined via a urine test).
The doctor who ran these tests didn't really know much about nitrosative stress. He more or less simply read to me what the lab results sheet said and then told me to take antioxidants. But I am already taking vitamins and obviously this doesn't prevent the nitrosative stress at all!
I have read about this condition in a few books but these books are basically full of chemistry charts which I don't understand at all.
It's very discouraging.
The books which I have also do not really tell you what to do as a patient when you have mitochondrial dysfunction. In the end you still need to find a doctor who knows this stuff (which is hard enough) and what's even worse is that the diagnosis requires all kinds of laboratory tests which aren't covered by the insurance.
And the vitamins and supplements you need to treat the condtion are also not paid by the insurance.
I heard of people who basically spent a fortune on so called "anti aging" experts which sold them supplements and ran expensive blood tests all the time and they ripped them off their money.
I don't want to go to such a doctor who only wants to run expensive tests and sell me supplements.
I don't know what to do now. This is really dragging me down cause it seems like something which orthodox medicine cannot help you with. I asked my intern about it and showed him the lab report where it says I have nitrosative stress and he told me to ignore it.
But I have many different health conditions and no doctor can help me. I really have a lot of strange things for someone at my age (30). I have been felling okay until around 20 and then it started to go down the hill.
Some stuff I struggle with:
lipomatosis & painful fat tissue
multiple joint pains (rheumatologist found no explanation)
generally feeling weak and fragile
physical weakness (cant even do 1 regular pushup)
visual disorders (visual snow and other things)
blue field entoptic phenomenon (seeing white blood cells, started a few years ago and it's really depressing)
skin eczema
strong light sensitivity
ADHD-like symptoms
eye floaters
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