"NOAA/SWPC has the other five hitting in machine-gun fashion starting on the 18th."
STRATOSPHERIC CLOUDS OVER ICELAND: A New Year's outbreak of polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs) around the Arctic Circle is continuing. The latest sighting comes from Iceland:
"This morning in northern Iceland the sky went crazy!" reports photographer Madelon Dielen. "We have never seen anything like this before."
To capture the scale of the clouds, Dielen took 7 photos and stitched them into a single panorama of the horizon:
"We couldn't believe our eyes!" Dielen says.
Indeed, polar stratospheric clouds like these are almost unbelievable. Normally the stratosphere has no clouds at all. Only when the temperature drops to a staggeringly cold -85C can sparse water molecules in the stratosphere assemble themselves into icy clouds. Typically, only a small number of these clouds appear during the coldest nights of Arctic winter.
Something about the winter of 2020 is different. Some observers say the current outbreak of PSCs is a "once in a lifetime event," bringing clouds of such intensity and color that tourists mistake them for daytime auroras. Where will they appear next? Stay tuned.
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