By Joe Hoft
Published September 23, 2022 at 8:45am
An outbreak of Ebola is being reported in Uganda where doctors are scrambling to contain it.
There are reports out of Africa of an outbreak of some form of ebola that doctors are trying to address:
Ebola has spread almost 50 miles through rural communities in Uganda – with cases clustered near a busy road leading from the capital Kampala to the Democratic Republic of Congo, health officials revealed on Thursday.
Doctors are scrambling to mount a response to a relatively rare form of the highly contagious deadly hemorrhagic fever, which leaves people vomiting blood and has no approved vaccine.
“As of today, we have seven confirmed cases of whom we have one confirmed death,” Lt. Col Dr Kyobe Henry Bbosa, who is currently leading Uganda’s Ebola response, told journalists. “But we also have seven probable cases that died before the confirmation of the outbreak.”
Dr Bbosa said that authorities had not identified the so-called index case or “patient zero”. But he added that the outbreak appeared to have started around the beginning of September, “when people started dying” in a small village in Mubende district in central Uganda.
So far 43 contacts have been identified, while ten people are believed to have caught the virus. Dr Bbosa added that the infections were spread out over an area of about 70km (43m).
Earlier this year there were reports of Ebola in China. Dr. Robert Malone warned about this nasty virus on the War Room.
Dr. Robert Malone joined Steve Bannon on The War Room to discuss the latest viral outbreak in China. The communist regime is hiding the nature and spread of this new disease.
This has many experts worried including Dr. Malone who is the inventor of the mRNA vaccines. Dr. Malone today told the War Room audience that he is hearing the current disease that is spreading across China is reportedly an “Ebola-like hemorrhagic fever virus.” The regime is hiding the true nature of this disease from the public and from the global community — Just like last time!
Today there are 5.5 million people dead (and counting) from the last China pandemic.
Now we could be talking about an “Ebola-like hemorrhagic fever virus.”
Dr. Malone: “They are using language that this is a hemorrhagic fever virus. If that’s the case then it would be very odd that this would be something caused by the Coronavirus. That terminology is usually used for viruses in the family of Ebola. So this is something that many people have feared is the development of a rapidly spreading Ebola-like hemorrhagic fever virus. But we have not knowledge of whether that is going on here or not.”
Via The War Room:
(NaturalNews) Some clues about the origins of the latest Ebola outbreak may be found in the contents of a speech given at the 109th meeting of the Texas Academy of Science back in 2006. Professor Erik Pianka reportedly told his audience that the best way to kill off 90 percent of the human population would be to spread an airborne version of the Ebola virus, to which he received an enthusiastic standing ovation.
As reported by Australian journalist John Ballantyne, Pianka opened up the meeting with a series of highly disturbing statements on population control, which were so controversial that he had them censored from video footage captured at the event. Pianka basically likened humans to bacteria during his extensive rant, claiming that we are destroying the planet and need to be culled in mass numbers.
"[Pianka] argued that the sharp increase in the human population since the onset of industrialization was destroying the planet," wrote Ballantyne for News Weekly. "He warned that Earth would not survive unless its human population was reduced to a tenth of its present number."
In order to do this, Pianka proposed the idea of weaponizing Ebola, and specifically Ebola Reston, to travel through the air rather than just through fluids. Since AIDS apparently takes too long to kill off its victims, Ebola is a much better option, in his view. This, combined with the usual weapons of manufactured war and famine, just might be successful in culling billions of people from the planet.
"His preferred method of exterminating over five billion humans was via airborne Ebola (Ebola Reston), because it is both highly lethal and kills its victims in days rather than years," added Ballantyne.
"I watched in amazement as a few hundred members of the Texas Academy of Science rose to their feet and gave a standing ovation to a speech that enthusiastically advocated the elimination of 90 percent of Earth's population by airborne Ebola."
Fast forward almost 10 years after Pianka expressed his desire to see most of the world's population exterminated and we have an Ebola crisis that seems to match the original narrative. The currently spreading strains of Ebola are reportedly transmissible both through surfaces and through airborne micro-droplets, and the mortality rate is exceptionally high.
"Droplet spread happens when germs traveling inside droplets that are coughed or sneezed from a sick person enter the eyes, nose or mouth of another person," explains a poster issued by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) back in October.
Discussing the unexpected release of the poster, which at the time seemed to contradict CDC claims that Ebola can't spread through the air, Dr. Meryl Nass from the Institute for Public Accuracy in Washington, D.C., told the media that the CDC was basically bluffing. In truth, Ebola can spread all sorts of ways beyond just direct contact with blood or infected saliva.
Could it be that this new and apparently much more deadly virus is the global killer that Pianka had been hoping for? Will a truly airborne, mutated version of the Ebola virus suddenly emerge, killing off 90 percent of the population in accordance with the ominous "commandments" emblazoned on the infamous Georgia Guidestones?
"I believe, with the terrible experience of the bloodiest century in human history behind us, that all men and women of conscience in the 21st century must be proactive in our opposition to genocidal or apocalyptic philosophies, before they have the chance to inspire some new champion with the will to take their conclusions to the next step," warned Dr. Shawn Carlson in The Citizen Scientist not long after Pianka's harrowing diatribe.
"When the professional scientists have lost their sense of moral outrage at such ideologies, then it falls to America's great community of citizen scientists to be the conscious of science."
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(NaturalNews) Remember the Ebola outbreak of 2014 when nurses infected with Ebola were proclaimed "cured" through the intervention of pharmaceutical medicine? Like everything else the MSM broadcast about Ebola, we now know it was all a sinister fabrication.
Texas nurse Nina Pham was widely celebrated as a hero by the mainstream media for her role in treating an infected Ebola patient that started an outbreak in a Dallas hospital. What the media didn't tell you is that Nina Pham was nearly killed by the Ebola "treatment" medicines administered by the hospital. "Nina Pham, the first known case of an individual contracting Ebola within the U.S., is now suing the parent corporation of her former employer, which she says violated her personal privacy and left her chronically ill by exploiting and neglecting her during the outbreak," Natural News reported earlier this year.
"The 26-year-old nurse says she now suffers from constant nightmares, body aches and insomnia due to the experimental medications that were forced upon her while in isolation."
Pharmaceutical interventions, in other words, caused serious organ damage to nurse Pham, and that damage is permanent. Naturally, the CDC-controlled media exploited Pham for P.R. purposes, but once the news had passed, they left her permanently damaged and abandoned by the system.
Now reported in The Independent (UK): "A British nurse who was apparently cured of Ebola earlier this year is now in a critical condition, doctors have said, with experts expressing astonishment at the deterioration of her condition."
Pauline Cafferkey was admitted to the specialist treatment isolation unit at Royal Free Hospital in London on 9 October. She had been treated for Ebola at the same hospital earlier this year, and was discharged in good health in January.
None of us here at Natural News are surprised, of course. We've long known that everything the medical establishment says about Ebola is a deliberate lie, and that includes pharmaceutical Ebola "treatment" promises.
"The exact nature of Ms Cafferkey’s illness is not known, but experts have expressed shock at the severity of her condition," reports The Independent.
Here's what's really going on: In exactly the same way that AIDS drugs destroy the human immune system and cause symptoms of AIDS, Ebola drugs also destroy the patient's body and cause critical organ failure.
This fundamental truth about the toxicity of Big Pharma's deadly drugs will never be admitted in the pharma-controlled press.
As you ponder all this, keep in mind that all holistic treatments for Ebola were viciously and aggressively attacked by governments and the media during the Ebola outbreak. Those who offered colloidal silver treatments or products were threatened by U.S. regulators and mocked by the media... even though colloidal silver is a non-toxic treatment that cannot cause the kind of organ failure we're witnessing from pharmaceutical interventions.
Non-profits such as Dr. Rima Laibow's Natural Solutions Foundation were even viciously threatened by the IRS after Dr. Laibow began talking about colloidal silver as a non-toxic treatment option. (No doubt the CDC pressured the IRS to target the NSF in the same way the IRS targets liberty-oriented non-profits.)
"The IRS sent us a warning letter saying that by sharing US Department of Defense Threat Reduction Agency declassified research on the impact of our particular Nano Silver 10 PPM on the ability of the Ebola virus to cause disease we had miraculously turned the substance into a drug," Dr. Laibow told Natural News. "We responded to them in detail (26 pages, if I recall properly) and they sent back another letter backing off a bit but demanding changes in our site."
Meanwhile, companies that sold high-grade medicinal essential oils such as doTerra were threatened by government regulators with being put out of business if they didn't police their independent distributors who were sharing the true news that many essential oils can kill Ebola.
The medical system, government and media essentially invoked an all-out WAR on natural medicine while claiming their own pharmaceuticals were the only safe treatments for Ebola. Now we see just what a farce those claims really were. Much like chemotherapy, the "treatment" for Ebola may be just as deadly as Ebola itself.
Meanwhile, all the truly SAFE treatments like colloidal silver have been intentionally disparaged, marginalized and pushed to the fringes of alternative medicine. It's no coincidence that colloidal silver can't be patented and is universally available for mere pennies, thereby threatening the more important aspect of Big Pharma's disease pandemic schemes: PROFITS!
Here at Natural News, our prayers go out to Pauline Cafferkey with the hope that she won't end up as yet another needless victim of Big Pharma's toxic treatments and the mainstream media's outrageous lies that misled medical staff into falsely believing that pharmaceutical treatments for Ebola are safe.
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