Realignment prayer which promotes true life in the Spirit.
For those who wish deepened intimacy with Lord Jesus, an abundantly important factor in this is to realign ourselves with His heart, mind and essence, rejecting and renouncing any sin or flesh that would attempt to rise up within us including lying thoughts or feelings that may come into our minds and hearts, sin and flesh which the truly born again child of God has died to, but the born again child must continually re-crucify each time it attempts to rise back up. This practice is an essential aspect of abiding in Lord Jesus as a branch to the Vine to anybody who may be serious about living unto Him in this way.
For deeply dedicated disciples of the Lord Jesus, this would ideally be done continually all throughout the day, including continually connecting our hearts to our Lord's heart in love every instant, as well as "taking every thought captive and bringing them into obedience to Christ", rejecting and renouncing every thought that is not in alignment with His heart. Certainly at bare minimum for one who truly wishes to walk as the Lord's disciple, a time of self examination and realignment should be done at least once per day.
It's important that this not be done legalistically as law, but rather that this desire to live unto the Lord in Spirit is something we are compelled to do by love. Daughters and Sons of the Living God will so love their Lord's heart and essence, that they will delight in aligning themselves with Him and would choose this out of love as a part of their born again of Spirit identity and lifestyle. This is a part of the easy yoke and light burden which the Lord Jesus provides and for those who truly Love Him and truly love walking in the Spirit as new creations in Christ, it's a genuine delight to do this. In addition to this helping to build an ever deepening foundation in Christ and ever deepening eternal intimacy with Him, abundant blessing and favor of the Lord emerge through it as well.
An example of how this looks, but with new fresh words from the Spirit each day since we have living relationship with the Living God might be, "Dear Lord, i come before you once again in love to realign my heart, mind and essence with yours. I love all that you are and everything about you with all that i am and everything within me. I delight in your Living voice and i want your ways to be my ways. I ask you to search my heart as i search it as well and that you will reveal anything in me that is not in perfect alignment with your heart.
I know that anything that is not a fruit of your Spirit is not of you. I know that anything that would oppose or resist you and your essence is not of you. This includes any lukewarmness towards you, stress, anxiety, worry or fear, insecurity, depression, inhibition, feelings of worthlessness, unforgiveness against you, myself or others, bitterness, resentment, anger, hatefulness, hardness of heart, hypocrisy, temporal mindedness, habits which distract from you, any negativity of any kind, etc. i thus seek to yield to your Spirit who lives in me and choose with the free will you have given me to lay down anything and everything of sin or flesh including lying thoughts and feelings that are not in alignment with your heart. I choose now to come as fully into alignment with you as i know how and i pray for your help with this. Lord Jesus, i thank you that you are the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. I lay all of this at your feet choosing to do my part in re-crucifying my flesh and ask you to take it. I ask you to refine me with holy fire, to burn away anything that is not of you. I delight in becoming more fully sanctified and consecrated unto your likeness. Thank you for pouring our your forgiveness and washing me clean with your precious blood, cleansing and healing me.
I also come against anything of the enemy which may wish to oppress me and hinder me in any way in my intimate relationship with my Lord (list specifically what ways this oppression is experienced)... i rebuke you and plead the blood of my Lord Jesus against you, and command you to go in Jesus name!
I ask Lord that you fill me afresh and anew with your Spirit, i delightedly come to you and drink the Living water you give that wells up into eternal life and i ask you to fill me to overflowing. Please continue to deepen my love for you and my awareness of yours for me. Please stir and continually deepen my passion and my hunger and thirst for you."
If you did this with your whole heart, congratulations, you are now realigned. Keep up the good work!