How could the assassination of a leader of one small country most were unaware existed trigger interlocking alliances and start World War I? It was in the midst of the carnage then called the Great War that the Pope had urged a Rosary crusade for peace, meditating on the life of Jesus Christ through the eyes of His mother as she pondered the words of the Angel Gabriel and her cousin Elizabeth. Soon after, with the war still raging, the Angel of Peace appeared to shepherd children in Portugal, urging them to pray, repent, and unite their penitential suffering with Jesus Christ’s atoning sacrifice for the salvation of souls. The stern angel taught them prayers to be said in a posture of humility, kneeling and face to the ground.
“O My God, I believe, I adore, I hope and I love Thee; and I ask pardon for all those who do not believe, nor adore, nor hope, nor love Thee.”
“Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee the most precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Thy dearly-beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the world, in atonement for all the outrages, sacrileges, and indifference by which He Himself is offended. By the infinite merits of His Most Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg of Thee the salvation of souls.”
The Angel of Peace was showing that war is not spawned by geo-political shifts but by people abandoning the love of God. To reject our Creator, in Whose image and likeness we are made, is to reject humanity’s moral dignity and eternal essence. One God as three Divine Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, witness of Their love for each other and for Their creation. For love of us, Jesus Christ, “Son of Man,” endured crucifixion to free us from sin and death. Jesus Christ’s mother, Mary, was prophesied to be pierced with a sword of sorrow that the thoughts of all may be revealed.
Watching as a Roman soldier confirmed Christ’s death by piercing His heart, the Virgin Mary accepted her wounding grief and her God-given role as revealer of inner intent.
Chapter 12 of John’s Apocalypse heralds a great sign appearing in the heavens, a woman clothed with the sun, crowned with twelve stars and standing atop the moon. The Angel of Peace prepared three shepherd children, Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta, who played less and prayed more. The three were in a field with their sheep and became startled by a loud noise they thought was an oncoming storm. Instead they saw the Virgin appearing as if clothed with the sun in a brilliant white gown bordered with gleaming yellow. The two girls, Lucia and Jacinta, heard her speak while Francisco could only see her. Under the title “Our Lady of the Rosary,” she urged praying the daily Rosary for peace as requested earlier by the Vicar of Christ. She promised further appearances on the 13th day of the months ahead, paralleling Queen Esther’s deliverance of the Hebrews.
“God wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart.” Here is the continued carrying out of God’s Genesis 3:15 cursing of Lucifer and his rebel minions with the enmity of the Woman & Seed. Love cannot fail, and a pure heart is invincible. God wishes all His children to honor the purity of intent of the Virgin Mother as her “other children” mentioned in Apocalypse 12, spiritual children who would suffer persecution as did Jesus Christ. We, her spiritual children, are called by our Creator to act as witness to the perfect honesty of the revealer of thoughts by imitating her loving obedience to God’s will in all things. As the Virgin Mary said of Jesus Christ, “Do whatever He says.” This battle between truth and lies, life and death has been underway almost from the beginning of time as started by the Father of Lies and Murder who told the first lie to the first woman by first questioning God’s honesty.
Our Lady’s final appearance in Fatima, Portugal was on October 13th, and her messages from the previous appearances were emphasized by the Miracle of the Sun. This great miracle was pictured in the local anti-Catholic paper “O Seculo” and described in the “New York Times” as witnessed by 100,000 onlookers, believers and skeptics, gathered in that field outside Fatima. With the crowd standing in deep mud and soaked by rain, Our Lady again appeared to the three children although she was unseen by the people. Lucia directed the people to look at the sun. Storm clouds parted, rain stopped, and the sun appeared like a pearl that was easily viewed, first glowing gently then shooting out beams of intensely colored rays. People pointed and laughed to see each other turning colors in the strange light. Then the sun seemed to fall from its place, careening around the sky towards the people who fell to their knees screaming prayers in fear. When the sun returned and the clouds closed around it, the field was dry and muddy clothes clean.
The Miracle of the Sun demands the highest respect be given to those messages related by Our Lady of the Rosary in the preceding months. The three children were given a terrifying vision of Hell with souls tumbling like glowing embers as demons harassed them. Francisco was not able to hear her voice, but Lucia and Jacinta related the Virgin Mary’s messages. Told the “War to End All Wars” would end soon, she warned it would be followed by another if her requests were not heeded. The children were given a vision of the slaughter of religious including a man garbed in white like the Pope. Our Lady asked for Peter, the Bishop of Rome, Vicar of Christ’s Church, together with all His bishops, to consecrate Russia to her Immaculate Heart at one solemn, public occasion in their respective cathedrals for the conversion of that nation and as the “only” means to a period of peace. Otherwise Russia, God’s chosen instrument of chastisement, would continue to spread her errors leading to the “annihilation” of nations. Our Lady said she would return at the proper time to ask for this consecration. Humanly speaking, the popular opinion at the time was that there would be no more war; and that backwards Russia could never be a world power.
The Virgin Mary’s final appearance crowned with the Miracle of the Sun in remote Fatima, Portugal, on October 13th, 1917, was followed within two weeks by Bolsheviks led by Vladimir Lenin taking over Russia in a bloody coup. Lucia’s two cousins, Francisco and Jacinta, soon died from the Spanish Influenza pandemic that had decimated Europe and North America. Lucia joined the convent and Our Lady appeared to her in 1929 asking for the consecration of Russia. The consecration was not done at this time. The starvation of millions of Catholic Ukranians started in 1929 by Russian dictator Josef Stalin would have been averted with her promised conversion of Russia.
The Great War, the War to End All Wars, is now called World War I because God’s instrument of chastisement, Russia, triggered World War II by signing a non-aggression pact with rabidly warlike Germany and Japan. Russia’s strategy was to stay aloof and pick up all the pieces after an earth-shattering war. This tactic failed only because Hitler invaded Russia, forcing her into the conflict. Russia continued to spread her errors internationally with the genocide of millions under state-sponsored atheism. Various consecrations have been performed yet none to date have followed the simultaneous, universal, public and solemn consecration of Russia by the college of Bishops led by Peter that Our Lady requested. Russia’s errors have not been limited to Communism and have included building water-poisoning
Wormwood found in John’s Apocalypse. “Wormwood” is the literal translation of Chernobyl, site of the nuclear meltdown of a Russian reactor built without a containment vessel. Russia sold nuclear materials to Iran in May, 2004, which may well lead to World War III and the further “annihilation” of nations.
“Pray the daily Rosary for peace.” –Our Lady of the Rosary at Fatima, Portugal
Immaculate Heart, pierced with a sword of sorrow that the thoughts of all may be revealed, expose all thoughts, cleansing them in the fire of love which is the all-merciful Sacred Heart of Jesus our Brother. AMEN
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