I saved the following “letter to the editor” from a paper written in the ‘70s:
"Few Americans now living will ever make heaven their eternal home. This nation may never recover from the moral corruption it has gotten itself into. “As the church goes so goes the nation” is not just a philosophical phrase.
We have a “churchianity” that has replaced Christianity. You’ve heard it said many times: my church, our church, their church, and your church. A rejection of Bible Christianity in this great land has led to the compromise of her God-given moral principles.
Americans today are echoing the cries of that religious crowd 1900 years ago who said, “Away with this man Jesus, we will not have this man to rule over us.” And what happened to them? Their nation was destroyed, and those who were left were scattered throughout the world. Do we think in the face of all the truth about God available to us that we are going to escape the same judgment?
Christ is still the answer to all of our problems, individual and national. To those Americans who know Him as their Savior from sin, He is their doctor when they are sick; their dearest friend when they are lonely; their provider when funds are needed; their counselor in life’s problems from the cradle to the grave and beyond that. For when the death angel comes, he will be carried to the paradise of God forever.
Part of the words of a song sung by believers are, “When Jesus comes, the tempter’s power is broken.”
When Jesus comes the alcoholic drinks no more, the profane man swears no more, the liar now tells the truth always, the hypocrite gets saved to sin no more, the loafer gets a job and becomes a productive citizen.
When Jesus comes the divorces stop and families are brought back together to stay, murderers cease to kill, rapists cease to rape and thieves become honest men. All this when Jesus comes to you and me. But sad to say this nation doesn’t want Him anymore.
Only a few here and there who come to their senses before it is too late. Can this nation survive while rejecting Christ? No other nation ever did.
Who do we think we are that we’ll not suffer the same fate as all other degenerate societies before us? The handwriting is on the wall, a few take heed and escape but the majority go right on with business as usual. Which will you be?"
After finding this and reading it again, I can’t imagine what he could have been referring to after what we see today! Corruption is everywhere; the government ( has succeeded in taking nearly all our freedoms away), the educational system (teaching our precious children that they came from the slime of the earth and are nothing more than animals), the economic systerm (the whole world operates on nothing but greed), the medical/health system (pumping people full of poisons more harmful than street drugs), and the religious system (self-made preachers robbing people blind, holding people in bondage with their rules and threats, sex crazed priests preying on little children the world over, people turning from God because they don't exhibit the love, forgiveness, mercy, and compassion our Lord taught and lived. The whole system has been corrupted since the first centuries and we can see it crumbling, yet because of the fear and brainwahing, people ignore all these horrors. How many catholics have any fear for their children? The world was turned upside-down by the pure teachings of the apostles in the first centuries, then paganism was brought into the "church" and corrupted the true Word. Eternal hell, the emortal soul, satan as a fallen angel, holy days and holidays, and on, and on, are all pagan doctrines out of the mythology of Egypt. Reseach and learn for yourself. Babylon is falling and thank God it is!!!!!