Blog: * in pursuit of perfection *
by athina

not feeling so good.

:- (

Date:   11/14/2006 9:25:45 AM   ( 19 y ) ... viewed 3226 times

Don't quite understand why I don't feel well today.

Last night, after a hard day working i call a friend to go for dinner. I ordered a salad with greens and grilled beef (no more than 3-4 ounces) with a pint of beer. Which was then followed by another pint.

By 4 am, I was unable to sleep because of bad gas, stomach pains and nausea. The nausea was making me feel so achy, that I just shoved my fingers down my throat and threw up whatever was left in my stomach so I could sleep.

Woke up this morning with blochiness all over my face, a sore stomach and tons of guilt. The guilt was not cause so much by my little beer binge, but by the fact that I forced myself to throw up. As a recovering bulimic, it brought back all the old feelings I used to get. I set my mind straight though and convinced myself that I did it just to relieve myself of the nausea.

It's now late in the afternoon and I still don't feel good :-(

My nose is running, I have low energy. Didn't really do a bowel movement today. Just feel achy and sluggish. I'm also noticing a cold sore developing on the edge of my mouth - something that's told me over the years that my immune system is being overworked. I also feel some scratchiness in my throat. I need a hug!

Anyways, back to my day. While running errands this morning, I passed the health food store. Decided to buy a bottle of Grade B Maple Syrup. The answer to all this I think would be a couple stacks of buttermilk pancakes with extra butter, sausage and bacon.

Just kidding. I'm actually going to Master Cleanse tommorrow, just to clear all the junk outta my gut that I think is making me feel bad, and give my digestive system a break. I can't really explain why I had that episode of nausea last night. Is this connected to the 'Doritos & Beer' episode? Could it be that I'm allergic to beer? How can that possibly be?

I've been thinking about this for a few hours, and looking back, I've realised that I always had a bit of a runny nose problem, and lately, since I stopped drinking beer on the daily, the runny nose comes back each time I do. Could it be that I'm allergic to the yeast in beer? Maybe that's why I continue to be overweight, despite a pretty healthy diet. The yeast in the beer is probably creating mucous, which in turn is evidenced by my runny nose. How's that for a conclusion?

Excuse me, while I go google all of this. In the meantime, it's the 1-day Master Cleanser for me tommorrow. Picked some lemons off a tree near my house, and got some Senna tea as well.

Funny thing about the beer. Who would've known?

I'm still sort of in shock. Giving up beer would be like giving up on the hot boyfriend with no personality. It's a love-hate relationship for me. Like the boyfriend, it's just so good when we're together but a real headache the morning after!!!

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Comments (15 of 29):
Re: got off the fa… ocean… 10 y
Re: For those of y… popoe 18 y
erased messages #44762 18 y
Oh ..well babsbiltmore 19 y
yeah me too #41644 19 y
Re: Congratulations athin… 19 y
Congratulations #13442 19 y
Hang in there!!!! tambee 19 y
Re: I can relate athina 19 y
Re: Wow!! athina 19 y
I can relate YourEnchante… 19 y
Wow!! tambee 19 y
Beer Fast tambee 19 y
Re: Hug for YOU!!! athina 19 y
Hug for YOU!!! yourenchan… 19 y
All Comments (29)

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