Blog: Peace, Love, and Fasting
by Lithia

Breaking Cleanse Today

Bitter Sweet

Date:   6/11/2006 2:08:10 PM   ( 19 y ) ... viewed 3421 times

We are sorry to tell you all that we are breaking our cleanse :-( We have been invited out of town for Father's Day weekend, and we will not be able to maintain the cleanse while we are away. We are both very disappointed that we haven't reached day 10 yet and have decided to break our cleanse prematurely.

This is our second Master Cleanse. The first one we went for 5 days, and this one we are breaking after 6 days. It had become obvious to me over the passed few days that long-term cleanses were something you have to "condition" yourself for, and to strive for 40 days when we hadn't even successfully completed a 10 day cleanse was setting our sights WAY too high.

But we take comfort in the fact that the two cleanses have helped us tremendously. Both of us have kicked our nasty and extremely unhealthy smoking habit, and I am sure our bodies are much better off after experiencing several days of heavy detox between the two cleanses. Our skin looks great, we have both lost pounds, as well as inches. We have both passed massive amounts of mucous.

We plan to undertake another cleanse in September. We are hoping to actually COMPLETE our up coming cleanse, reaching the 10 day mark. Between now and then we have the perfect opprotunity to form healthy eating habits. We plan to break our cleanse the safe way, by the book, and begin to eat the recommended foods in the "detox diet". We will definately continue to drink the lemonade for breakfast everyday, as the book suggests. We may do a juice fast between now and then as well.

We will continue to do the body brushing. It feels so wonderful, and really does become a ritual.

In a few weeks we plan to do a Liver Flush, after our eliminations are back to normal and everything is working properly.

The support and advice we've recieved on the forum from our fellow fasters cannot go unmentioned! So here's a sincere and heartfelt THANK YOU :-) to Zoe, cayennequeen, kittyglitter, boobookittycat, commonscents, life-n-light, PiciloLepre, and many more that I cannot recall off the top of my head. You are all truly amazing people and we are so greatful to have been able to share this experience with you! Good luck to you all for the remainder of you cleanse! Stay strong and keep on keepin' on!!!

Our best reguards,

Cori and Debbie

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Comments (15 of 48):
hi there boobookittyCAT 19 y
There you are! Zoebess 19 y
Re: What inspirati… Lithi… 19 y
Re: 6 days is noth… Lithi… 19 y
What inspiration a… kermi… 19 y
6 days is nothing … cayen… 19 y
Blessed... kerminator 19 y
Thank you!!! Lithia 19 y
congrats! Life-n-Light 19 y
You both are in my… commo… 19 y
breaking Zoebess 19 y
Happy Sunday Zoebess 19 y
Re: All the same s… Lithi… 19 y
All the same sympt… #6440… 19 y
Re: Self-motivation Lithi… 19 y
All Comments (48)

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