Oil from Iran & EUROS
Oil form Iran will be traded in EUROS incase you haven't been watching, euros are worth more than the dollar- that means it Chian may follow suit- unless ofcourse we give them Taiwan!
Date: 2/28/2006 2:10:41 PM ( 19 y ) ... viewed 3385 times Dear A-Letter Reader:
Yesterday, President Bush told the nation's governors he spends "a lot of time worrying about disruption of energy because of politics or civil strife in other countries--because tyrants control the spigots."
And who is the chief tyrant that keeps Bush up at night? President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran.
On March 20th, Iran will launch an attack on the American economy that could be far more damaging than last weeks attempt on Abquaiq, the massive Saudi processing facility. For the sake of your future wealth and prosperity, I urge you to read the following important message. 21 days from now, it may be too late.
Erika Nolan
Executive Director, The Sovereign Society
Is This the Most Dangerous Man in the World?
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Has Pointed Iran's Secret Weapon Straight at the Heart of the U.S. Economy
It's Set to Launch March 20th...
Dear A-Letter Reader:
In less than six weeks, a broadside will be launched against the U.S. economy. The man holding the trigger is Iran's newly-elected president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Over recent months, he has become the most dangerous man in the world. He's also the greatest potential threat to your wealth in 2006...if not for many years to come.
In this letter you'll learn four ways to protect the value of your hard-earned wealth from Iran's attack on the American economy. You'll also discover how one group of investors is taking advantage of growing geopolitical volatility and seeing 18% to 58% returns--in anywhere from a single day to six weeks...and longer term gains of as much as 794%!
But first, I have to tell you about the biggest threat of all from Iran...one that isn't grabbing the headlines...
President Ahmadinejad knows exactly what
weapon can hurt the United States the most,
and it's not the atomic bomb
The media has made a lot of noise about Ahmadinejad's nuclear ambitions, probably with good reason. But they've said very little about his far more devious weapon of mass destruction--one that could plunge the American economy into chaos in less than two months.
"Iran's new president seems dangerously unfazed by world opinion."
--The Economist
It's called a petro-euro.
The petro-euro is the biggest threat to your wealth since the last world war. In fact, some people think it could start the next one.
By the start of the Iranian New Year--March 20, 2006 on our calendar--Iran intends to open its own commodity market for oil and gas. This new bourse will be similar to markets in New York and London with one critical exception...
Trades will be conducted in euros, not dollars!
Why does this have oil-backed U.S. leaders like Dick Cheney contemplating a nuclear strike against Iran? Because Ahmadinejad's economic ploy threatens the U.S. dollar's monopoly in the global energy market.
Oil is traded in dollars on the New York and London exchanges, and oil-exporting countries deposit much of the proceeds--commonly called "petrodollars"--into western banks. That gives the U.S. a huge advantage when prices go up...it can simply print more paper dollars to pay for oil.
It's also a big reason foreigners have been stockpiling dollars and dollar-denominated assets like Treasury bills. But once foreigners no longer have as big a need for dollars, they may stop buying our dollar-denominated debt.
"Mr. Ahmadinejad very likely believes that the best way to guard against regime change from without is to emulate North Korea by swiftly advancing Iran's nuclear capacity."
--The New York Times
Not only will we no longer be able to finance our runaway trade and budget deficits with printing presses, international demand for the greenback--and the buck's value--will drop like a stone. Already, the central banks of China, Japan, Taiwan and Korea have announced intentions to lighten up on their U.S. dollar holdings in their currency reserves.
And the moment oil becomes denominated in a different currency, such as the euro, the U.S. becomes like every other country in the world. We would have to earn euros in order to pay for energy instead of simply printing more dollars...not a happy prospect when you consider that the dollar has plunged 27% against the euro in the last 4 years.
Here's just a taste of the implications--and opportunities--this new energy economy could create:
Soaring gasoline prices, driven by an ever-widening gap between the euro and the dollar
A spectacular rise in gold as investors flee the dollar...it's already projected to go to $600 an ounce or more this year...perhaps even $800 an ounce if Iran implodes. Some analysts even speculate that oil will be denominated in gold, not euros, by the end of the decade!
More expensive goods and services as the dollar's value declines, higher energy costs create a de facto "consumption tax" on everything that must be transported or manufactured
Less American influence over global oil, plus more competition as OPEC forms new alliances with developing nations like India, Pakistan, and China
America's rivals have been trying to shift the oil economy toward the euro for years. They hope that if enough major oil producers switch, the rest will flee the dollar like rats leaping off a sinking ship, weakening the U.S. role in global oil and gas markets in the process.
A major shift in the global energy economy is now underway. And if you think a military attack on Iran will automatically solve the problem, think again...
Why a U.S. attack on Iran won't save the dollar
President Ahmadinejad is far more threatening than Saddam Hussein ever was. The U.S. Department of Energy puts Iraq's sustainable production capacity at no higher than 2.9 million barrels per day. Yet, Iran produces 4.1 million barrels per day.
Overall, Iran is now the fourth-largest oil-exporting nation in the world. It also holds 25% of the world's natural gas reserves.
The U.S. doesn't buy any of this oil, but many other nations do--to the tune of 2.6 million barrels per day. That means we can't bully Iran as easily as we could Iraq.
It's a Catch 22. The threat of nuclear weapons in Iran is real this time. Yet an embargo or a military attack against Iran could leave key U.S. allies and trading partners facing an even greater energy crisis.
On January 31, 2006, The Financial Times put it this way...
"Iran is OPEC's 2nd largest oil producer. A halt in its oil production would send international oil prices to more than $100 a barrel, analysts predict."
Any disruption of the Iranian oil supply would create critical shortages worldwide. Countries that depend on Iranian oil will have to look elsewhere...creating more competition with the U.S. and sending prices skyrocketing.
"If Iran were to pull all of its supply off the market, world oil prices might well flirt with the record reached after the last Iranian crisis. In gas-guzzling America, that oil shock was followed by the worst recession since the second world war."
--The Economist
China currently imports more than 13% of its oil from Iran...an estimated 300,000 barrels per day in 2005. And they've recently signed the biggest oil and gas deal in Chinese history, cementing their energy relationship with Iran for the next 30 years.
Russia also has multibillion-dollar deals with Iran, including LUKOIL's minority stake in the Anaran field near the Iraqi border. Iran has a $40 billion natural gas deal with India, and Iranian crude is critical to Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and parts of Europe.
Ahmadinejad knows the world needs his oil more than he needs them, and he's threatened to cut off the supply himself if Iran's nuclear ambitions are thwarted. His threat is a serious one, because other oil-producing nations aren't prepared to take up the slack if the Iranian oil faucet is shut off...
Oil demand will skyrocket--no matter
what happens in Iran
A Morgan-Stanley report has predicted that global demand for oil will outpace the total supply capacity by 2-to-1 in either 2006 or 2007. Another recent report by Goldman-Sachs predicts that oil could go as high as $105 a barrel.
There are plenty of reasons for these kinds of predictions...
Saudi Arabia--the world's largest producer--is already producing at maximum capacity. Yet, in July it told the world that OPEC will not be able to meet Western oil demand in 10-15 years. It was the first time OPEC had ever made such an announcement.
Central Banks Dump the Dollar
The Washington Post recently reported that China, which holds the world's 2nd-largest foreign currency reserves, plans to "optimize the structure" of its reserves. Translation: they're going to dump dollars in favor of other currencies. The central banks of Japan, Taiwan and Korea have also made moves away from the dollar in the last year.
At the same time, China recently overtook Italy as the world's sixth-largest economy. At its current growth rate of 9.4%, it will bypass the U.K. and France by the end of this year. Its oil consumption has doubled in recent years and could double again by 2020.
India is close behind with a projected growth rate of 6.8% in 2006...and its energy needs are also expected to double by 2020.
Russia, the Middle East, and Venezuela haven't invested in enough resources to maintain a supply cushion. Americans haven't cut back on gas purchases or switched to more fuel-efficient vehicles. And they don't expect that to happen until pump prices hit $4 a gallon!
But by that time, it will be too late for most investors.
What the plunging value of the dollar doesn't drain away could quickly be gobbled up by soaring energy costs. Those costs will not only make it more expensive to drive and heat your home, they'll drive up the cost of everything that is shipped or manufactured.
But if you are willing to act now, there's a safe haven strategy that could protect your wealth from the coming crisis...and even score you substantial profits!
How to make 84%, 225%, even 794% when Iran
launches its attack on the dollar
With a combined fiscal and trade deficit exceeding $1 trillion...record national debt of $8.1 trillion... and central banks beginning to shift away from the dollar...the U.S. currency has been heading towards crisis for years.
Since 2002, it has lost over 22% against major rivals. But that's only a hint of things to come...
Now, the escalating energy crisis and Iran's launch of a euro-priced oil market on March 20th promise to prick the dollar bubble once and for all.
Fortunately, however, you could protect your wealth and even make substantial profits during the coming storm.
That's because whenever one currency goes down, others go up...and volatile times like these create the profit opportunities of a lifetime in the world's single largest financial market.
I'm not talking about stocks, bonds, or even commodity futures. I'm referring to the foreign exchange market.
The World's Largest and Most Liquid Financial Market
Offers Extraordinary Profit Opportunities in 2006
Most people know very little about the foreign exchange (or "forex") market. Yet over $1.9 trillion changes hands here every day--more than the volume of all the stock markets in the world combined!
The forex market is where savvy traders with an eye for current events regularly make large returns. And the opportunities for profit are greater today than at any time in the last 25 years...
Make 255% from the "Oil See-Saw": When President Ahmadinejad pulls the petroeuro trigger, this oil- and gas-rich currency could shoot up to parity against the dollar--gaining 25.5%--while another super oil-dependent currency plummets. Your total profits could be 255% or more in a matter of weeks!
84% Potential Profits in Less than a Week from the Oil Superspike: J.P. Morgan Securities recently predicted that gold will hit $600 an ounce by the end of 2006...and it could go as high as $800 if the geopolitical situation in Iran drives the price of oil to $100 a barrel. That would send another currency sky-high, because it's the #2 producer of gold in the world. We booked 21% gains in just three weeks the last time we played it, but could easily make four times that amount if a "superspike" in oil drives up the price of gold.
Back in 2001, We Recommended this Currency for 794% Gains; Here's Your Opportunity to Do the Same: When geopolitical crisis looms, there's one "safe haven" currency the wealthy investors of the world flock to. Our Sovereign Individual readers once had the opportunity to play this currency for gains of 794% in over a 2-year period...but it could go even higher if the Iranian threat continues to escalate.
These returns aren't flukes. A select group of investors have seen gains like these on a regular basis...
The Forex Market: Lower Costs, Lower Minimums and Far Greater Profit Opportunities than Stocks
Here are just a few reasons why the forex market presents the greatest profit opportunities in the face of geopolitical uncertainty:
* Liquidity: In the currency market, there are no daily limits. You can trade 24 hours a day, five days a week. This gives you total access to your money whenever you want or need it--and the ability to change your holdings immediately in response to breaking events--while still delivering powerful gains.
* Easy Access: You can access the foreign exchange market from any computer terminal, 24 hours a day, five days a week. No need for banks or brokers. Just log on, click, and buy or sell.
* Earn Double-digit Yields: You already know about the "miracle of compound interest"--well, now you can quicken the pace of such a miracle. When you trade in the currency market, you not only earn profits from the spread, you can also earn more on the interest rates extended by the central banks in charge of the currency you're holding. In these days of dwindling equity dividends, currency trading can bolster your passive monthly income in addition to enhancing your overall portfolio.
* Low Trading Costs: You can start trading with as little as $300. What's more, your only cost is the narrow "spread" between the buy price and the sell price. There are no brokerage fees or commissions to pay.
* Versatility: You don't even have to be a dollar bear to profit in the forex market. You can trade any two currencies against each other. Even if you open your account with a dollar deposit, you can trade Canadian dollars against the yen one day and euros against Swiss francs, the other. The choice is yours.
They could have doubled their money in 72 weeks playing the Eurodollar in April 2005...made 203% gains on the Swiss Franc in 8 weeks in February, 2005...168% on the Canadian dollar in 3 weeks in November, 2004...50% on the Euro in four months in February, 2005...69% on the Canadian dollar in 5 weeks in October, 2005...106% on the British pound in 15 days in December, 2004...and many more profitable plays each year!
Now, you can take advantage of the same kind of gains week after week as the Iranian crisis unfolds...
Two of the world's
top-rated currency traders are ready
to show you how
to "bulletproof" your
hard-earned wealth
My name is Erika Nolan. I'm the Executive Director of the Sovereign Society. Since 1998, we've scoured the world for the best global investment and asset protection strategies.
Along the way, we discovered the amazing profit potential of the forex market with two spectacular currency trades, resulting in gains of 794% and 1,794% respectively!
Naturally our readers called for more...
That's why we created The Money Trader, a currency-trading service written exclusively for individual investors. It's written by two of the world's top forex traders, Kathy Lien and Boris Schlossberg. And their experience in these markets is second to none...
Kathy is the Chief Currency Strategist at a major NY foreign exchange firm and a seasoned forex analyst and trader. She has vast experience with the interbank market, using both technical and fundamental analysis to trade forex spot and options.
Boris serves as Senior Currency Strategist for the same firm, and is also a seasoned independent trader. He works "London hours", trading currencies while many U.S. traders are asleep. He's also a recognized expert in risk management, trader psychology and market structure.
You could learn the top strategies of currency trading from either of our editors, but together they're a practically unbeatable team. Their winning combination has made them two of the most profitable and highly respected advisors in the market today.
Defend Your Wealth Against The Most Dangerous Man in the World
President Ahmadinejad has a long history of confrontation. He was a member of the Islamic Revolution in 1979. Some have accused him of being part of the group that took 52 Americans hostage in the American Embassy in Tehran that year.
More recently, he raised international tensions when he described the Holocaust as "a myth" and said Israel and America "must be wiped off the map."
In January, he broke the U.N.'s seal on Iran's Natanz uranium enrichment facility, drawing immediate protests from the U.S., Europe, and Japan. Later in the same month, he tried to get OPEC to cut oil production to wring concessions from the major powers.
Make no mistake about it. Ahmadinejad's plans to launch the world's first non-dollar oil exchange on March 20th should not be taken lightly. He'll do everything in his power to strike that blow against the U.S. economy...that is, if the U.S. or Israel do not attack first.
Either way, the U.S. dollar is in deep trouble. And the single best way to protect your wealth and even profit as events unfold is through the foreign exchange markets.Here you can collect much higher yields than on your dollar deposits, own currencies that are rising in the oil crisis, diversify away from the debt-plagued dollar, protect your purchasing power, and take advantage of select trading strategies that have produced gains of 85% to 203% and more for Money Trader subscribers.
But don't take my word for it...just do a Google search on either of their names, and watch the hit counter go through the roof. You'll find that they've been published and quoted by nearly every major publication and website that deals with currency trading...
Their articles and columns regularly appear in Stocks and Commodities, CBS Market Watch, ActiveTrader, Futures and SFO Magazine. They're consulted by Bloomberg, Reuters, and other major news services on an almost daily basis. They're active on many major trading sites too, including DailyFX, EliteTrader, eSignal, and FXStreet.
They've also earned a reputation for protecting the assets of their clients when geopolitical events cause volatile swings in currency values...just as we're facing now with the uncertainty in Iran.
But with The Money Trader, you'll get something you won't find in any of the sources I mentioned above...their recommendations for the world's most profitable currency market opportunities.
What's advice like this worth?
In a recent issue of FX Week, Boris and Kathy were rated as the world's most accurate forecasters, beating the track records of Citigroup, Merrill Lynch, Barclays, JP Morgan Chase and other major money center banks.
Readers of The Money Trader know that this rating means more than praise...it also means profits. In 2005, Kathy and Boris scored an 75% winning percentage with plays like these:
July 20: Boris and Kathy recommended the Japanese yen. On the following day, they cashed in for 85% gains!
August 31: Recommended the euro against the dollar, gaining 22% in 24 hours
October 26: Another one-day euro/dollar trade netted 25% gains
July 18: Played the "loonie" (Canadian dollar) against the yen, booking 29% in six weeks
October 19: Bought the loonie with the euro, pocketing 23% in five days
December 7: Traded the euro against the dollar again, scoring gains of 23% in one day
November 7: Rode the loonie's rise against the dollar for gains of 21% in 24 hours
November 18: Played the loonie against the dollar a second time for an additional 20% in four days
September 7: Traded the British pound for 36% gains in five days
That's just a sampling of the many successful trades Boris and Kathy conducted in 2005. But all these were just warm-up exercises for what's about to come. You see, 2005 was paradise compared to the trouble that's ahead. That's why The Money Trader is introducing a new way to play the forex market...
Create a safe haven for your cash before
the crisis comes
The majority of Boris and Kathy's winners have been short-term plays designed to generate quick profits. But if 2005 was a year not to be missed, then 2006 is the year that you cannot afford to be caught unprepared. Volatility in the global economy means opportunity in the forex market, and if this year's start is any indication, opportunities will be great indeed.
Now, for the first time ever, Boris and Kathy have devised a long-term currency portfolio to take maximum advantage of these trends...and to protect your wealth in the event of geopolitical crisis.
It's a brand-new report titled A Bulletproof Portfolio for Volatile Times. Hopefully, these volatile times will remain trade wars in 2006 and won't turn "hot." But either way, Boris and Kathy will give you the top currency trades for financial protection and profits as the oil crisis unfolds.
The portfolio includes the seven currencies that stand to benefit from not only the coming oil crisis, but the new rookie chairman, increased gold prices and higher interest rates. The portfolio also reveals the currencies that are likely to suffer most, and how to play them against each other for maximum profits.
Even if diplomacy triumphs in Iran or the new rookie chairman lives up to Greenspan's legacy, you can still profit from the secret strategies revealed in this exclusive report. A Bulletproof Portfolio for Volatile Times has a retail value of $99, but I'll send it to you free of charge when you accept a risk-free trial subscription to The Money Trader for just $375 a quarter.
As a Money Trader subscriber, you'll get weekly updates on the currency market, complete with Boris and Kathy's latest currency recommendation, the technical and fundamental analysis behind it, simple instructions on how to place the trade, and updates on currently open positions.
In addition, you'll have full access to our members-only website, where you'll find profit-generating reports and a complete archive of past recommendation. You'll receive additional periodic e-mail alerts from Boris and Kathy whenever current events make a sudden turn...ensuring that you're always able to respond quickly to new opportunities or close out of a position for maximum profits.
What's more, you won't be starting cold. In addition to Boris and Kathy's weekly recommendations, you'll receive a complimentary copy of our best-selling report Secrets of the Spot Market: How to Make 18% to 58% Returns on Your Cash. This exclusive guide reveals the top profit-generating tricks of the trade used by the world's top currency traders:
How you can use the same strategy that enabled George Soros to pocket a cool billion dollars in less than a month in 1992!
Why professional traders care about currency yields--even though they can make dozens of times the yield in appreciation--and why you should too.
Why the "international carry trade" has been the core profit strategy for professional hedge funds around the world--and how to use the same strategy to grow your own account by 25% to 50% a year.
The #1 mistake committed by amateurs in the Spot Market... and the #1 Success Secret of the Pros.
Why many currencies provide far greater yields than stocks, while at the same time providing greater liquidity and the potential for high double- and triple-digit gains.
Why currencies trade 24 hours a day--and why that means you're not nearly as likely to see the big gaps in price that frequently occur during stock market opens.
How to practice-trade the currency market--without risking any money.
And the #1 Secret of the Spot Market: "Option X": a synthetic currency option that can pay you interest, has No expiration date, is far more liquid than most options, is cheaper to trade, and has limited risk yet unlimited upside!
Plus, you'll also get The Dollar Anthology, a chart-filled report that documents the dollar's historical performance against other currencies. Prepared exclusively for Money Trader subscribers, this report reveals how the forex market typically behaves over the long term, reducing your chances of missing a buying opportunity or selling too quickly in the heat of the moment. And like the other reports I've mentioned, it's yours absolutely Free when you try The Money Trader.
Your complete satisfaction with The Money Trader is guaranteed. If you're not satisfied with the way you are protecting your savings, seeing your profits climb, and trading as a far more resourceful investor, you may cancel your subscription within the first 90 days for a complete refund. You may also cancel at any time thereafter and receive a refund for the unused portion of your subscription. Your three special reports--A Bulletproof Portfolio for Volatile Times, Secrets of the Spot Market, and The Dollar Anthology are yours to keep whatever you decide.
March 20th could well mark the end of an era, and draw the final curtain on the dollar's monopoly on energy. I urge you to act now to protect your savings and turn potential losses into significant profits...while there's still time.
Erika Nolan, Executive Director of The Sovereign Society
Publisher, The Money Trader
February 7,
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