Prosperity Reversal-got it?
Paul posted abundance activator yesterday-(EFT), and he mentioned Prosperity Reversal thinking. Apparently he got a few questions from readers on the symptoms of prosperity reversal....Here are the issues, challenges, and on.....
Date: 12/4/2005 9:57:17 AM ( 20 y ) ... viewed 2833 times Many people have asked me over the past year about
Prosperity Reversal.
Questions like:
"Do I have it?"
"How can I be sure?"
"How serious an issue is it?"
"How do I eliminate it?"
Let's run through some of the basics of Prosperity
1. How do you know if you have it?
Simply stated if you've tried un-successfully to:
* Attract and create what you want
* Your debt is growing despite efforts to reduce it
* You create a financial or business plan and it seems
to constantly get stuck in neutral (or even get worse)
These are CLEAR signs of Prosperity Reversal.
2. Why Prosperity Reversal Occurs
Prosperity Reversal happens because in your subconcious
mind (which remembers EVERY single experience in your
entire lifetime), there's been a build up of NRM's (Negative
Reinforced Memories).
NRM's occur due to negative thoughts, feelings and
experiences throughout your life.
Example of an NRM
Think of a time when you felt sad, depressed or when
something didn't go your way...
Got that feeling? That's an NRM. It's a memory that
has a negative charge attached to it.
A PRM (Positive Reinforced Memory) is just the opposite.
PRM's are *good* memories, empowering thoughts and high
vibrational feelings. PRM's make you feel good, give you
strength and provide inspiration and energy so you can
move forward in life and create what you want.
What you fear is based on NRM's.
What you Love is based on PRM's.
Example of a PRM
Think of a time in your life when you felt inspired,
focused, and alive...
Close your eyes and connect with a time that you
felt this way...
Got it? - Thats a PRM.
Basically, Prosperity Reversal occurs due to NRM's
that build-up in your subconscious like layers of old
paint on an old dresser. Layer upon layer prevents us
from seeing the true, original beautiful wood tones
and natural grain.
That's what happens to all of us from a very young age,
we take in "stuff" from all around us:
Scarcity beliefs from parents, grandparents, etc
Fears from our friends, schools, media and other sytems
Negative conditioning from society
It's not a question if we have layers of NRM's, it's
only a question of what we do about it.
3. What do you do about NRM's and Prosperity Reversal?
There are varying levels of Prosperity Reversal. Some
people have massive reversals, others have more basic
forms of it.
A. Start today and write down your problem, Whether
it be too much debt, not enough income, feeling
stuck, etc. (When you write down your problem,
you get it out of your head and clarify it, instead
of continuing to struggle with it).
B. Get in touch with the feeling around this issue.
Really allow yourself to connect with the feeling.
(that's where all your unclaimed power is being
sucked away). If you do not learn to accept and
integrate (clear) these feelings, they will continue
to haunt you for years to come. (That's the way the
unconscious works my friend.)
C. Use Abundance Activator to clear and integrate
the feeling and any NRM's that are connected.
D. Build PRM's to strengthen your "Neural Nets" and
future pace your intentions so you are "strong"
whenever you think of your intentions and goals.
Here's a couple of questions to consider for yourself
1. "In what ways do I have Prosperity Reversal?"
2. "What will I do about it?"
3. As you look beyond your "comfort zones",
does Prosperity Reversal begin to "kick in"?
Every one of us experiences Prosperity Reversal at some
level, whether we're rich or poor, affluent or not.
Whenever we look beyond what is *familiar*, our old
conditioned programs begin to "kick-in" because they're
setup to protect us (keyword "safety").
These old programs were put in place very early-on in
life (before age 7) at a Theta brainwave state. More about
that in future issues). If we move too far beyond the
"familiar" (comfort) zone, these old programs "kick-in"
and our energetic system literally goes "weak", and our
goals and intentions get short circuited.
So ask yourself today,
"Am I willing to let go of my old "programmed" beliefs?"
"Am I willing to allow myself to grow beyond my past
beliefs of what I used to think was possible?"
"Will I allow myself to integrate what I've un-consciously
resisted up til now in my life - knowing that when I
accept and integrate it, that my true, authentic
spiritual power can be focused and channelled to create
value for not just myself but for all humanity and all
If anything holds you back from saying "YES!" to the above
questions, there's an old "part" that's simply holding you back.
Do you want to move forward? Or do you want to stay in your
comfort zone? We all have comfort zones - whether we're
"successful" or not. It's only really a question of whether we
know we've done our best.
and your feelings will tell you the answer...
Decide today to move beyond your comfort zones and
embrace what is your birthright - abundance, joy and
a feeling of one-ness with All That Is..
Begin today my friend, step into the real you, the
infinite you...
And So It Is...
To Your Dreams And To Your Abundance,
Paul Bauer
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