Good News Recently
"abnormal cells" gone
Date: 4/23/2006 7:14:25 PM ( 19 y ) ... viewed 3168 times There has been quite a series of events in my life in 2006 that I haven't written much about in this blog. I was waiting for some good news, indeed hoping that there would be good news.
Thanks to the health advice that can be gleaned from CureZone, and some personal advice from Lapis, and Deradune, and all of the wisdom that is shared everyday here at CureZone by so many of you, I received good news about my health last Wednesday night.
In February, I went for a routine physical and had an abnormal pap test. "Dysplasia" is what my doctor called the results. She never used the C word.
She sent me to an ob/gyn specialist within the same HMO who performed a brief procedure called a "Colposcopy" which was particularly uncomfortable and induced a trauma reaction in me that lasted for weeks afterward.
I received a call from the ob/gyn doctor and he said he had "grave concerns" about the cells he biopsied during the colposcopy. He did not use the C word, I did not ask.
You see, my cousin, who was less than 5 years older than me and seemingly in excellent health all her life, died a few years ago from cancer, or perhaps, I think, from all the medical interventions the allopathic professions feel so justified in performing on people who have cancer. My mother has survived cancer 3 or 4 times, and is 82. She has relied solely on the allopathic medical profession, however she's feisty and won't just let them do whatever they want to do to her. She questions interventions that don't make sense. She says no to medication regimes that make her feel ill and lower her energy level. I believe her feisty attitude has helped her survive three serious diagnoses of cancer and other surgeries over the years, and my father's recent death.
And perhaps my cousin made no errors, just assumed she could trust her medical practitioners and did what they told her to do without question. Since she was living in another state, I do not know every detail of the story, only what I've heard from my mother and from my cousin's son. I guess I just wish she was still alive. She was a teacher and very valued at the school where she worked. She had more to do in life, and her life was cut short.
I am tangenting (yes I made up this word) but it is to describe where my mind tripped off to when the ob/gyn doctor called me to express his "grave concerns" about my cervix cells, but did not use the C word.
So he said he would schedule another surgical procedure called L.E.E.P. to scrape off the "abnormal cells." I looked up all the information I could find about the procedure he was going to do. It sounded pretty minor, a 5-minute procedure in-office.
Then, on the day I was to go in and have the surgery done, I just could not go through with it. The trauma I had felt after the colposcopy returned, and I expressed to the office personnel there as kindly as possible that I would probably need anesthesia to do this procedure. I felt like a whimp. Such a whimp.
I realized as I was doing my daily walk that day, though, that the delay that this request for anesthesia had created would be a perfect time for me to look into natural therapies to normalize my cells. I found Ellagic Acid here on CureZone when I looked into natural products that might help abnormal cervix cells. In fact, Ellagic Acid helps normalize abnormal cells in most of the body. It's a great product. Of course, there are many places that manufacture Ellagic Acid, whose main component is raspberries, and I did extensive research before deciding on the Greenwood Health Systems brand. This is not an advertisement. You might do research and for reasons of your own decide on another brand. There are, in fact, many good brands of Ellagic Acid available. I didn't find any locally and did have to order it from the internet. You might find it locally where you live.
But I'm getting ahead of myself, in a way.
I was advised by the trauma therapist I go to that I needed to take some time off from work. With the health issues I'm dealing with (diabetes diagnosis in 2004, high blood pressure, and now the "abnormal cells") she thought and I agreed that it would be a good idea to be away from the pressures and stresses at work while I'm focusing on getting my health condition stabilized.
My employer was nice about allowing the leave of absence, and I started doing research at the beginning about natural approaches to dealing with " abnormal cells". I also had ample time and energy to focus on eating a balanced diet, cutting down on and eventually cutting out altogether grains (bread products, rice, the whole nine yards) and most animal foods. I've been eating the raw foods as much as possible, but am not by any means 100% raw vegan organic.
That's what Lapis recommends. I know Lapis is right, and it is my goal to be raw vegan organic.
Just as I had started the leave of absence from work, somewhere around the beginning of the 3rd week of the leave, I experienced a heart scare. Got taken to the hospital in an ambulance, and the cardiologist did a diagnostic procedure thinking I had blocked arteries. It turned out my heart was fine, but this experience scared me, especially when they had me sign a release for a bypass surgery if necessary before they anesthetised me for the diagnostic procedure.
After all of that, it was nice to hear that they found me to have a healthy heart.
I wrote about that experience in my blog, an entry called "Happenings."
It was just after I wrote that message that Lapis contacted me and offered to help. Lapis asked lots of amazing questions and after I sent my answers, suggested several things. One was to use a water filter on my shower. We apparently take in a lot of chlorine and other chemicals that are in the local water through our skin cells. A shower water purifier helps eliminate that exposure to chemicals. I found shower water filter that I liked at our local co-op and wasted no time getting it installed on my shower. What an immediate difference it made.
I read some of the material that Owen has written, some on his new website here at CureZone and some on the forums. He advises that women not wear bras when they're sleeping. Such simple advice, you'd think women already know that. But we forget. Anything that's elastic and tight and has the capacity to cut off circulation is not good for the lymph flow. Blockages in systemic flowing in our bodies can cause illnesses.
So I followed the advice Owen gave. I like a lot of the writings on Owen's site!
I'm close to eliminating entirely the use of microwave ovens from my life. Going to 100% raw vegan organic will, of course, be the final step in that regard. When you go to restaurants as often as I do, you definitely run the risk of eating microwaved food. I always ask, but sometimes the people who are doing the main work at the restaurants do not even speak enough English to have this specific conversation.
Eliminating restaurant eating altogether is clearly a viable solution.
What I did is focus on eating as much organic fruits and vegetables each day as possible. I eliminated coffee and soda pop. Drank lots of pure glacier water and herb teas. Ate the wonderful Juliano's Flax Crax. Took 6 capsules of Ellagic Acid each day, plus my other usual supplements.
I had not been utilizing the VIBE Machine myself except maybe once or twice a month even though I have my own machine. I upped the VIBE treatments for me to one every other day...3-4 minutes. Drinking a large quantity of water is especially important when using the VIBE regularly.
I stayed focused on this intense new health regime and am staying on it to this day. The heart procedure, since they went in through my femoral artery, deterred the date for the LEEP procedure to mid-April. I was actually thrilled to have more time during this blessed leave of absence from work to focus on all the new things I was doing to detoxify my body and improve my cellular balance and chi flow.
I did go in for 3 or 4 acutonics treatments, each one more relaxing and cleansing than the last. I also had some noninvasive treatments from my acupuncturist during this time to stay balanced.
Best for last: So when I did finally go in for the LEEP procedure in mid-April, which was brief and rather anticlimactic once it was done, the ob/gyn doctor called me the next day to say he "got it all" and the he and the lab techs were satisfied that there were no more "abnormal cells" in my cervix. I mentioned his prior "grave concerns" and he then elaborated as to his reason for expressing these concerns: and I am not remembering his exact wording here....he said that he had suspected as had the lab that because of the type of cells that he saw and extracted during the colposcopy biopsy, he did suspect cancer but did not say it because he wasn't certain, and he also had reason to believe that the cancer had spread to my glandular system. But he said he was satisfied that there was not any cancer and there were no more abnormal cells in that area. He also mentioned when he first started the LEEP procedure (yes, folks, the anesthesia did not work...I was awake and aware during the whole thing) that there was a smaller quantity of abnormal cells than he had observed in February.
So during this follow up phone call I asked the ob/gyn doctor, do you think the natural healing approaches I used during the two months since the colposcopy had some positive effect? He stated that it was indeed possible, that he wouldn't dismiss the thought that my natural approaches had made a difference. He had told me a few weeks prior that the serious kind of abnormal cells I had and the quantity of them don't go away except through surgical intervention. And yet they had, to some extent.
So I'm going to keep doing the things I've learned mostly here at CureZone. This is some of the first really good news I've had about my health from an allopathic practitioner in a long time.
That was nice.
And I so much appreciate the information that is offered here at CureZone so freely and with such love.
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