Shampoo: Baldness Caused by SODIUM LAURYL SULFATE
"This ingredient is found EVERY body and face soap...and EVERY shampoo. IT IS ALSO WHY YOUNG MEN ARE GOING BALD!!!"
Date: 5/8/2006 10:01:39 AM ( 19 y ) ... viewed 14857 times SLS and Premature Hair Loss
SLS is implicated in premature hair loss in men and women, and may be one reason for widespread incidence of thinning hair. Because SLS is such a caustic cleanser, it actually corrodes the hair follicle and impairs its ability to grow hair. SLES (sodium lauryl ether sulfate) causes dramatic decline in the hair growth cycle, and prolongs the hair loss phase (normally 3 months) by a factor of eight. Simply removing this ingredient, and its corrosive and irritating effects, begins to restore the natural, healthy function of the hair follicle.
SLS is also implicated in scalp irritation, eczema, dandruff, and other scalp conditions. Many shampoos designed to alleviate dandruff, itching, and other scalp disorders may actually be causing the problems they are supposed to eliminate, because of the toxicity of SLS-containing formulas to the skin and scalp. Avoiding contact with this cytotoxic (cell killing) chemical are all many people need to completely alleviate scalp disorders.
“Natural” Brands Offer No Protection
Ingredient reviews of shampoos sold in health food stores under “natural” brands and labels have turned up many formulas containing SLS. The cost, reputation, or market position of the shampoo apparently has little to do with its contents. Some of the most reputable and exclusive brands contain SLS. Don’t be fooled by high prices or marketing hype—you must check the ingredients on each product if you want to avoid the harmful effects of SLS.
*For an alternative make your own shampoo
1. Clayton et. al., Ed. Chem. Tox., 1985
2. Br J Dermatol 1992 Sep
3. Contact Dermatitis 1992 Jul
4. Acta Derm Venereol (Stockh) 1991
5. Acta Derm Venereol Suppl (Stockh) 1992
6. The Lancet, Feb 3, 1990
7. Contact Dermatitis 1993 Sep
8. Contact Dermatitis 1993 Mar and 1993 Feb
9. Contact Dermatitis 1992 Sep
10. Journal of Toxicology, Cutaneous and Ocular Toxicology, 1992
11. Toxicology Letters, Vol 26, 1985
12. Toxicol Pathol 1992
13. Govt Reports Announcements & Index, 1993
14. Acta Derma Venereol (Stockh) 1992
15. Department of Dermatology, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen
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