Hi, i have lead + mercury poisoning and have had a number of edta + dmsa drips and my levels of lead are coming down however as i have a this metal poisoning for a number of years with out knowing my liver has been badly affected due to the decrease in glutathione etc in the liver.
so how do i maximise my chelation? as once the edta amd dmsa get the metals out of my bones organs etc it has to go through my liver that is not running at full capacity. should i do a
Liver Flush or enema the weekend after my chelation, to get rid of any metals stored there, should i fast the insure that my liver does not have to deal with any extra toxins.
or is the flushing / enema /
juicing just an on going process to detox / rebuild and should be continued before after the chelation
should i not get the liver in top tip performance to maximize my drips.
The reason for these questions is that edta + dmsa is costing me £100 a time any enema /flushing /
juicing is relatively inexpensive and i would perfer to get the metals out that the least cost
cheers Damo
i am also posting this on the liver flsuh forum