Aloe Research Claims
I will follow up and find the original studies
Date: 4/7/2005 10:16:23 AM ( 20 y ) ... viewed 5349 times Russian research has shown benefits to conditions other than those for which Aloe Vera is most well known. These include improvements in bone tuberculosis and broken bones, inflammatory gynecological conditions, paralysis caused by polio; ear, nose and throat conditions, and bronchial asthma. They have also found that Aloe Vera can help slow the aging process.
Both Russia and the United States have carried out extensive research into the use of Aloe Vera for all types of burns. They found that compounds within Aloe Vera can help the burn heal, and can also have a cleansing and antibacterial effect.
The United States have developed a cream containing 70% Aloe Vera juice extract that prevents partially damaged tissue from dying and allows new skin cells to close off the area thereby promoting healthy new skin beneath the scab, rather than scar tissue.
Research has also been carried out into whether Aloe Vera can play a role in the treatment of cancer. Aloe Vera appears to cause the release of tumor necrosis factor Alpha that blocks the blood supply to cancerous growths.
A study in Japan showed that drinking Aloe Vera juice regularly may be effective in preventing the onset of lung cancer in smokers.
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“Medicine Plant”
Filed under: Aloe Vera— dunhelmian @ 7:50 pm
Scientists have identified nearly 100 active ingredients within the Aloe Vera plant of which 75 have been found to be active healing compounds. It is the synergy of the chemical constituents that makes the plant such an effective healer.
This explains the significant benefits of juice extracted from aloe gel. Aloe Gel provides all the active ingredients found in the leaf of the plant, and it is the way that all these compounds work together that provides the benefit.
Aloe Vera Gel contains a class of long-chain sugars called polysaccharides Polysaccharides are normally found in all cells of your body. However your body stops producing MPS around the age of 10, after which your body relies completely on outside sources for these vital compounds.
Aloe Vera is an extremely rich source of polysaccharides.
Polysaccharides help boost the immune system, lubricate joints and line the colon. Aloe Vera is especially rich in acemannan. This is a polysaccharide that research has proven to stimulate the body’s macrophages to produce interferon and interleukin, which stop viruses multiplying. Macrophages are the deep cleansers of the immune system that can destroy small particles such as toxic chemicals and tumours.
Compounds called anthraquinones are partially responsible for the anti-inflammatory and anaesthetizing effects of Aloe Vera. These properties also make Aloe Vera useful for topical treatments to alleviate swellings, stings, sprains and sunburn.
Aloe Vera Gel cleanses and detoxifies the digestive system and this has an influence on other bodily organs and systems. It contains magnesium lactate which appears to lower stomach acidity thus reversing the effects of indigestion and heartburn.
In fact aloe vera is an "amphoteric" as it can treat opposite conditions by either raising or lowering levels of hydrochloric acid as required. Low hydrochloric acid levels are common and contribute to allergies.
Aloe Vera Gel is also very effective for people suffering from stomach ulcers as it coats the stomach lining.
Aloe Vera helps restore balance in the digestive system in several ways:
it acts as an alkalizing agent,
it reduces yeast overgrowth that can destroy the normal "friendly" bacteria in the gut,
it penetrates the walls of the digestive system to remove harmful bacteria.
By restoring balance to the digestive system, restoring the beneficial "friendly" bacteria and reducing inflammation the body is better able to absorb nutrients. This can have a huge impact on a person’s overall well-being and help fight many disorders not directly connected with the digestive system. Aloe Vera juice raises energy levels and promotes a sense of well-being.
Digestive system disorders such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Acid Indigestion, Colitis and Candida all benefit from Aloe Vera juice.
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