So far, I have read, 2 cases where ppl reported increase in TSH from megadosing on Iodine. Have other ppl who are megadosing, cared to get their TSH tested?
I know, lot of ppl will say that medical testing is non-sense, but there's got to be some truth to it.
For myself, I am not doing mega-doses as I found it was hard on my body...So I am off it and will always use it with caution.
Iodine is still experimental, as Trapper has said many times.
Have u done any test to prove that you are chelating Fluoride by Iodine injestion?
Although I beleive that fluoride danger is very real, and I try to avoid it, Iodine "displacing" fluoride is something I am still skeptical about....
I know ppl in the support forum are gonna shoot me for this, because, they have been told that Iodine does displace Fluoride/Bromide.. lol
What if, all the "side effects" of Iodine therapy are caused by all the excess Iodine circulating in our system, which are poor kidneys have to deal with. Extra work for the kidneys. And thyroid gland going haywire, because of all the excess Iodine.