-November 2004-
I was in horrible condition. I was in constant pain, my legs barely worked. I wore a double brace on my left knee and walked with a cane. Getting upstairs was becoming nearly impossible. I could not work, I could not sleep. My abdomen was bloated and tender. My jaw hurt and my teeth hurt. My ears rang, my head buzzed and I could not see straight some of the time. I dared not drive as I seemed prone to making poor and dangerous decisions behind the wheel. I was easily overstimulated and excessively emotional... I could go on.
This was nothing new, it was just as bad as it had gotten. I was diagnosed with Lyme Disease in June 2001. At the end of Sept. 2004 I had just completed a four month course of
Antibiotics . My third time around with these. I was somewhat improved from the condition I was in in May when I had gone back to the doctor for more treatment. Within a month though my symptoms began to return... with a vengeance.
I had to find another doctor. I found someone very reputable and experienced with Lyme Disease. He told me I should consider a 12 to 18 month regimen of
Antibiotics . Besides any consideration for the outrageous expense of this, it just seemed outright absurd that this could be the best course of treatment he had to offer. I could not accept this.
I began looking for answers; better choices, better results. I did not know where I would find them or how far I would have to go. I got lucky. I found Lymefree.com.
By chance it turned out that the offices where I could obtain the services described in this website were close to home. I called and made an appointment. The next week I was in the offices of Allergy Alternatives meeting a man named Gary Blier. What I encountered changed the course of my illness and of my life.
I was introduced to the technique that Gary had developed that he called Immune Response Training. I was given a treatment based on this technique. It was remarkably simple and utterly noninvasive. Just some reading. It took 30 minutes.
When I left the office, I felt quite strange. My body ached from head to toe but not as it had ached before; just a low dull ache, no shooting pains or the like. This ache persisted for about 24 hours. After taking a nap the following afternoon I awoke to find myself feeling better than I had in weeks. The following day I found I could do without my cane.
I called Gary's office and returned for more treatments.
I continued this for eight months gradually tapering off the frequency of the treatments and without including any other form of treatment other than some nutritional supplementation. By the end of this period my health was very nearly fully restored. Any lingering complaints gradually improved over a few more months without any additional treatments.
- September 2007 -
That was two years ago and I remain a strong, healthy, fully functioning man with no sign of trouble from my past illness. My work is physically demanding and I am quite able to keep up and keep things moving along. In recent months, my Dad has been receiving IRT treatments and is experiencing excellent results. I also have a few friends and aquaintences who have had very good results with these treatments. At this point, I have decided to start doing everything I can to share this remarkable opportunity for getting rid of all the nasty organisms that constitute Lyme Disease and restoring health to the body.
Visit Lymefree.com and give them a call. It works. You will find no better alternative. It is inexpensive and astounding in its effectiveness and results are guaranteed. Gary is a dedicated, results based practitioner and he would not be doing this if it did not work. There is no reason not to try this and share it with others you know who are suffering from such an illness.
Best wishes. Be well.
You do not have to live with Lyme Disease. I am proof.
Your Body CAN Heal Itself