Fact one:
I had a existing condition mainly caused by wrong medication and attempts to solve the problems that were bothering me.
Condition was simply chronic constipation that lasted that stage already about two years, on and off. Medical profession succested me to take some laxatives. Those laxatives helped while used, but as soon as I discontinued the use, the constipation returned.
It is a known fact, that they are only a temporary solution. Not a permanent fix.
- My take is that constipation is caused by Vitamin Mineral deficiency. I also abstain from laxatives. But simple things like Sea-salt in water, taking Vit C( Na-ascorbate) and Magnesium supplements can help alleviate constipation. Consuming plenty of lecithin will help. No need to perform a drastic Liver Flush to overcome constipation. Diet and lifestyle changes should help.
Fact two:
Being a sceptical of unproven methots, namely Dr Clarks flush, it took me over a week to accept, that procedure will not harm me, as all the incredients has been consumed before by humans.
- Agreed that ingredients are ingredients have been consumed by humans, BUT, consuming 1/2 cup of oil is something which I will abstain from doing ever. Its ridiculous!!! We need fat emulsifiers to heal the liver. Everything is a poison beyond a certain dosage including air and water. So I am not comfortable gulping 1/2 cup of oil in name of Liver Flush.
I dont care, where the stones come from, what colour are they, how they smell. Bottom line is, LF will not cure anyone. I read stories of ppl doing it 25 times and still have all kinds of allergies.
The science behind a LF is simple WEAK....I am so done with this stuff.
Good luck in what u do.
"We can't change a human filter, but we have a unproven method to expell a foreign matter out of it."
Our Liver is not like a clogged drain, where we put drano and all the toxicity is flushed out.....It does not work that way....The Liver can accumulate a lot of "chemical toxins" which the mechanical LF cannot take care of. Excessive Oil consumption is potentially harmful for the liver.
There are several things involved in cleansing the Liver and clearing it of the chemical toxins which accumulate over time.
Oxygenation is my take on cleansing the Liver. Oxygenation can in as simple as deep breathing exercises(yoga), drinking couple of drops of H2O2 in water, ozonation etc.
Liver Flushing is taxing on the body. And the improvements seen by the flush are short lived. There got to be a smarter/better way to clean the liver.
Hi Rooot, stoneface and all humans aboard..
Rooot Wrote:Isn't it amazing that it's easy to balk at taking 1/2 cup of oil at once, yet people don't even blink at the thought of eating a bunch of fried chicken or other high fat/sugar/junk content -
Stoneface wrote:As a comment to olive oil. I can't see olive oil "taxing" the liver any more than nice beef dinner that some of us eat now and then !
Well, you're right, but....(there's always a 'but').....Nature doesn't make them in concentrated form
When eating fats and sugars, they need to be "mixed" with protein and fiber, respectively.
1 cup of plain sugar diluted with a little water, drank at once, taxes the pancreas so much, that can be lethal.
Similarly goes with olive oil, as it really taxes the liver. -Not so violent than sugar. To a strong liver...BUT(!)...
If done when suffering from hepatitis, or after drinking hard or long, it can be a real burden on the liver, and would need a rush trip to the hospital, with excrutiating pain on your right side on each spasm of the liver....
It might be harmful to some people, and to all, in certain conditions.
It is not a toxic dose.... But, it's useful to know about the risks, just to be aware, in the remote case, we are witness of such condition, being able to identify it; or at least, add it up to the probable causes...
I would dare to suggest:
> Don't take it lightly
> Get all the facts, and
> Always Play it Safe !
I am getting ready for my first try on LF,
Kind Regards