Bring 2 cups of distilled water to the boil in a nonmetal container. Pour into a glass jar and immerse about 75% of the silver wires. Let the unit run for 15 to 20 minutes for 5-8 PPM . The water is brought to the boil simply to give a standard for heat. Heating is necessary to increase the conductivity of the water.<<
Also - I'd like make a higher PPM. Is this possibly only via the heat method? Can someone describe how, if not a microwave, one boils water in a non metalic container? Do I need a glass pot, ceramic? What are we using here?
>If you got a gas burner you may need to put a towel underneath.
Trying to burn my house down? Unfortunately what I have at present is one of those awful glass tops anyway.
Had to think that one over a minute. I'm guessing by this you mean inside the pot, outside the jar. Hmm. A one litre jar? Sounds big.
Tks, N. Knew you'd come through. Apg's for the dumb q's, but might as well get you prepped for more to come.
Psyched. Decided to go for the SP and the MP for now. Maybe the BT7 later. Company will allow me to swap out, return w stockng fee, etc. Very cool people, made me an offer I couldn't pass up.
Ty the MP while lying on your left side, with the paddle underneath you firing up. This seems to hit a lot of internal lymph nodes and also relaxes the bile duct.
Thanks, buddy. I'll note that one. Any tips you can throw at me are much appreciated. It's all still en route, but should have tomorrow. Reading as much as I can find until then. Those videos really helped prioritize my purchases. Next on agenda, the BT7 but only because I think it's cool - not exactly a necessity. LightWorks appeals to me also (in a big kind of way), and probably the O3zonator.
So things are here. I love this company - so impressed. All looks pretty simple and straightforward. Just had one session on the MP, but just played around with it. Wasn't in a lying down kind of mood just yet, but I got out my trusted "Complete Portfolio of the Anatomy of the Human Body" which has a great page (illustration w a small bit of text) on the lymphatic system. I've been checking it out for days, in anticipation. Seems to me that the thoratic duct, the left and right lymphatic duct are important pathways or are kind of central. Figuring it out as I go. I'm hoping this will all help reduce all this excess fluid I deal with. I had NO idea we have three pairs of tonsils. Cool - I guess.
I'll try the suggestion you offered later tonight. Can the MP be used several times a day?
I'm trying to find more material on the use of the MP. I lost my hard drive over a month ago, and had tagged the SH video you linked a while back. But now it's gone along with everything else I've been saving from CZ until I do a full out recovery. SO much is gone, and I am ablank.
The Sota site does not have much on it in terms of operational technique. I'd also like to watch the videos again. I've done a search but can't find your post. Even a search on YouthTube didn't bring anything up that I wanted.
Do you have it bookmarked, N? Anything else I might want to read/view/digest?
The SP is way cool. Had some fun with that just before the MP, though I know it should have been the MP first. Guess I'm eager.
On the SP - if you look at the dial like a clock, just how high do you like it? I know it's all individual - I guess I'm just curious. It's pretty strong. Surprisingly strong.
I like strong machines. And strong men with strong minds.
Where is that halfbreed anyway? I can't wait for V to nail me for buying this stuff. Well, let's just hope he doesn't. Just told him I got some toys today, non-specific. Probably thinks I bought Leggos.
It takes a while to find the correct placement, with the correct placement you should be able to feel your middle fingers pulse with it on high.
You don't want to keep it that high but it helps in finding the right spots.
Their is no need to heat the water. using a 14 ounce canning jar. I made 20 ppm, with the Silver pulser, in about 4 hours. I just checked it every hour stirring it with my PPM meter.
ionic and colloidal are two separate and distinct chemical species. ionic is easy, just dissolve an ionic silver compound, such as the nitrate, in water, and voila, one has ionic silver.
colloidal is less easily achieved. it requires ultrapure water for best results with a bar, wire, etc. of silver being made anodic (positive pole) in water. heating the water to boiling is not necessary, or desirable actually since the higher kinetics of hot water versus cold are not efficacious in producing Colloidal Silver , it's production being limited by diffusion at the electric double layer of the anode, and not being significantly effected by mass transport (reynolds number) attained by using warmer water.
furthermore, heating Colloidal Silver suspension will destroy it by causing agglomeration and precipitation. For this reason, using hot water in its production, is counterproductive.
Forget the little silver bar or wire. Instead, I shall apply a little anodic voltage to you, keeping myself cathodic all the while, steadily, until our potential climbs to critical, and finally discharges in a magical thunderbolt of pure energy.
Hi Cora, here is what we use to boil our distilled water: a large glass corningware sauce pan. We have a gas stove & this works great! Then, turn off the heat & we pour the hot water into a large, thick glass pitcher (like a beer pitcher) & put in the silver prongs. Just remember: after pouring the water out of your glass saucepan, make sure you do not set it back down on the same burner you where using or the glass can explode. That seemed obvious to us, but we had instructed a friend & did not think to mention this, assuming he knew this & he set his empty glass sauce pan back on the still hot electric burner & within a minute the glass exploded in his kitchen. Luckily, no one was hurt. But please use common sense. Hope this helps!