While I do believe that DogtorJ has some good info there, I would caution you in making blanket statements such as "epilepyics are really just celiacs".
That statement is ridiculous. For many people, epilepsy has a known origin - birth defects, lesions in the brain, TBI, etc. Their seizures are not related to celiac disease.
If your statement were true, 100% of people experiencing seizures would be "cured" on the GARD diet. While DogtorJ claims to have a very successful track record, the diet has not yet been studied in a controlled, clinical/scientific manner.
On a personal note, my wife tried the GARD diet for 2 and half months and her seizure activity did not improve. She has found a diet similar to the
low glycemic index treatment diet (LGIT) to be the most helpful in controller her seizures. YMMV.