I recently read "Diet for a Poisoned Planet" by David Steinman, which is mainly talking about the proliferate pesticide contamination of our foods. At the end, he talks about the method he used to detox, and he mentioned Niacin. That got me thinking, so this morning I did a search of this forum and came up with this thread in particular:
As well as this post:
One of the main elements of David Steinman's detox was doing progressively dosed niacin flushing, starting with 100 mg, and as the body becomes acclimated to that level, increasing the dose, up to even as high as 5,000mg in some cases. All of this is over a period of several months.
He said that "niacin is a significant ally in flushing toxic chemicals from the human body." "The detoxification program builds on the discovery of the effects of niacin. The release of toxic chemicals from fat deposits is the underpinning of its deep-reaching, thoroughly purifying detoxification regimen."(page 483)
Between his own home detox, followed by a supervised detox program, he was able to reduce his DDT blood level from 15 ppb to less than 4 ppb, and his PCB levels from 7 ppb to about 0.4 ppb, a 90% reduction. I think this is an impressive reduction.
I wonder to what extent:
Iodine alone can induce the detox of pesticides in general
Iodine and niacin combined can reduce pestices, compared to niacin alone
So, it would seem that this niacin flushing can be a very powerful ally to the
Iodine supplementation/therapy, as it is releasing the many pesticides/chemicals/toxins/additives that have been stored in our fat.
Essentially, when you release fat, you are releasing a LOT of toxins. We probably have no idea how many.
He also mentioned the importance of eating sufficient fat (he said polyunsaturated, but I will just infer "all good fats"), as the body is hesitant to give up fatty acids if it thinks it may need them, but that if there is a sufficiency of fat then it will do some sort of "fatty acids transfer", dumping the toxic fat and replacing it with the good stuff. I'm not sure about all that, but it makes sense that we would need to be eating the good stuff during the process.
I do wonder about the displacement of other B's with this ongoing flushing program.