As most are aware, the synthetic ingredients from drugs, food, and alike are dealthy to our human vessel. My recent experience from such foods created a like motion of interferance, although the short term side effect was extreme cleansing. I am NOT, I REPEAT NOT suggesting the digestion of such man-made ingredients. The above statement may make you roll your eyes, as I am now. Some of the information I have gained from this is as follows, the adrenalin supplied by the adrenals is quite possibly the premium solvent/product in which the human body supplies for either removal or break-down of toxins. While on fruits, for a year and a half, I noticed slowly but surely my vessel removing the waste deeper and deeper within. Until I experienced my adrenals in operation, which can be performed the most natural way by excercise and passion for life. The before is the suggested way to begin cleansing. Once my adrenals were ''in operation'' my third eye begin to open, ( I NOW REQUIRE GLASSES ) as well as the white "crown'' near my finger tips begin clearing. In addition, my fingernails/toes widened at least 1-3 cm's and bone structure seems more balanced. Horizontal lines arouse on my finger tips and a new state of bliss emerged.
This, I believe to be a profound addition to internal cleansing in case an individual was interested in gaining a "headstart" in a new body. It truly is miraculous to see my body strip down the bones/cartlidge/flesh and build anew in order to remove the old metals and chemicals from birth. 3 Months ago my body went from 28 to 90 to presently around 5-10 as my body is building anew with new bones/cartlidge/flesh/nails/and hair! Think of it as a remodeling of a house down to the wood structuring. My arm hair is bright gold and my head is changing back to childhood color by the day.
Wow, what a process huh! Suggestions would be to jump on the bandwagon and start excercising to reap the benefit of the natural adrenalin. Then, once you notice childlike resemblance, quit the addiction and move into a briskly walk and continue rebuilding with fresh fruits, salt brine, and fresh air. Remember the high vibration too.......
May a wild transformation show anew within the months!
Current food is white fruits only, apple juice, salt brine, and AMA LOVE.
Zachary Z