MH 108
I found a really super nice 5 gallon glass water jug with a screw on cap. This is the first on I have ever seen with a screw on lid, most use a cap or cork. The jug appeared to be new and maybe came out of the wine making business, etc...
So I took all of my ginseng collection dating back 12 years to date and stuffed into this one jug. Many of the ginseng roots being 30-100 years old and most all being at least 10+ years old. This surely should make a true old fashioned Chinese Gensing man want to drop to his knees in prayer that he could sample such an extract of the worlds most prized herb in history. When I make the new price list for 2008 I will have 1 ounce dropper bottles of this available, but it will be at normal market prices and not the cheap barefoot prices! A good ounce of aged ginseng tincture years ago was bringing $50 an ounce and today aged gensing is so rare I doubt it can be found and most all gensing is farm grown and not wild American Gesing which was always considered the best in the world, I presume the chinese used all their wild gensing before America was settled and found to be the last country in the world with wild gensing. Today many states consider it extinct or have very limited harvest times/laws.
The Russians used Ginseng as a method to protect from radiation in war times, possible that is its true value other than a boost of energy associated with its use. The chinese suggested if you took a little every day of your life you would grow old and remain thin and wise. Today the farm raised is considered worthless because the roots are large and easy to see it is not wild. Many of the wild roots that can be 100 years old often are not the largest roots. They like to grow on slopes where the ground is dry and hard and often grow mixed in with tree roots and this makes them grow very slow. Often they can't be dug because the tree roots are over lapping the plants. A common person could spend a whole summer and if they were lucky find maybe 1 pound of roots and to do so they would have to cover allot of territory. For this reason the wild ginseng is nearly impossible to find on the open market in good shape. I say good shape because often the gensing hunters are poor people and they need money fast and they will take the gensing they do find and dry it fast in the micro wave and destroy its herbal value.
I personally like all the herbs that aid us in killing parasites and if an herb doesn't do this or supply us with natural minerals, then the herb is not used for health so much. The ginseng plant is more historical and associated with energy and old age, you don't read that it has anti parasite quailities, etc. For these reasons gensing is not hunted much anymore, I currently know on no one doing it even for pleasure. It is too easy to grow it farm style now and the farm raised ginseng has reduced the price down to as common as any herb.
A 5 gallon jug of the real deal still must be the most impressive jug on earth! The only thing better would be two jugs!!!!!