It seems to me that when people have problems it is because they haven't followed the directions or they haven't done proper bowel cleansing first. Some of these things can be dangerous if not done correctly, just like medicine can be dangerous when not taken correctly. It is important to do a bowel cleanse first so that when you do flush, you don't get any stones stuck in your system. That will cause you to retoxify yourself which you obviously don't want. That is why some people break out or feel bad after flushing. One way to ensure this is to get a colonic after doing a liver flush.
As far as age range goes, I think the younger and healthier you are, the easier it would be to do. And how great is it that you can get started while you are young! I'm jealous. I wish I would have known all of this when I was your age.
As far as the stones being olive oil, that claim is really ridiculous. There are many, many reasons why this is so but the clearest one for me is that people stop passing stones once their livers are clean. If it was just olive oil, that wouldn't happen right? No offense, but I can't even talk too much about why the theory that they are olive oil isn't true. It's just so dumb that I don't really want to spend any of my short amount of time doing it. It's like arguing whether or not the sky is blue. The stones are from the liver/gallbladder. It is clear to me and many other people. Remember at one time people also thought that they world was flat because they didn't have prove that it wasn't. Please read over past posts and the the
liver flush debate forumliver flush debate forum for more info.
I don't mind taking the time to help you at all. Let me know if you have any more questions.
I would also like to remind you that PhenPhen was approved by the FDA, yet I know someone personally who diet from it. Sad story.