Their simularities are in their mineral contents w some simularities in proteins. Their differences are in that the chlorophyll producing land grass' are full of enzymes as opposed to none in dried kelp. I think also the chlorophll producing grass' have higher units and diversities of amino acids.
Of course kelp is one type of seagrass rarely used fresh so any enzymes would be gone by the time it reached the user and enzymes are probably the most neglected and thus seriously needed item in westerners diets. The highly producing chlorophyll sea grass' like phytoplankton are usually understood to be on par with the land grasss' but rarely used fresh which again is so important.
So the diffences and uses of each is good to understand, so that each can be used appropriatly.
Ill bet we could live healthily on just fresh kelp, as compared to living on fresh hamburgers and fries but throw in a helping of fresh land grass' or fresh green sea grass' and the differnce metabolically would be noticable, which is why kelp is not considerd to be all that necessary if one is eating a live diet with plenty of chlophyll, like the great whales, the elephants ect ect. Not to downplay dried sea kelps mineral content, which of course if one is needing minerals or to use as argicultural fertilizer is most excellent.
We used to catch mullet, a vegatarian fish, with a bit of sea weed and many people consider them to be their favorite tasting. Kinda like chicken.
Ps Id also not be surprized if like the synthetic/organic investigation/debate that some day certain unknown items will be found in kelp and the green grass' which will shed further light on why they are so beneficial and not as easily replaced with man made copies.