Hi Running Blind,
My mother and I often would get what you have.
If you want to go the herbal route-- it has worked for me. Last Summer I looked up in my herbal enxcylopedia all the herbs that have antibiotical properties, and wrote the names down-- then went to the healthfood store and bought the herbal tea bags containing those herbs.
I wet the tea bag in hot water and used it as a compress over the eye-- taping it on the eye under my eyeglasses.
Before applying the compress, I rinsed my eye with canned saline solution (meant for contact wearers--but with no chemicals) then used Dr. Christopher's Eyebright drops added in warm water in an eyeglass. Three times that day I rinsed my eye with the eyecup full of warm water and the eyedrops. There is a little cayenne pepper in these drops, so it did slightly burn, but this will not hurt the vision or the eye-- but actually cleanse out impurities.
If you cant' get Dr. Christopher's Eyebright drops anywhere- Barefoot Herbalist sells the same exact thing- (only cheaper and more superior quality) at his online shop.-- check out the Barefoot Herbalist forum) I had success with the Dr, Christopher brand, but if I had the Barfoot Herbalist's version in front of me, i'd have used that
I reapplied fresh teabags afterwards-- as well as drank these teas during the day too.
The herbs in the teabags were Thyme and Rosemary and Astragalus -- but Cat's Claw and Pau D'Arco are other good antiviral herbs as well.
The first thing that went down was the swelling. After that, the redness went away and the pus as well.
You have to take a day off from work to have time to rinse the eye every so many hours-- and to keep the fresh teabag compresses on that eye all day (unless your boss doens't mind..lol!). You can still surf on the computer and relax or go outside to get sun and fresh air while doing this at home.
Now-- even though I mentioned this--which has worked for me with Conjunctivitis- I did this the day it started and did not wait.
If this does not work for you, waste no time in seeing an eye specialist as Harley Girl mentioned. When I was a kid and had pink eye, the doctor gave me special eyedrops, but I didnt have to take anything with steroids in them.
I prefer the 100% herbal route because like chemotherapy--
Antibiotics also destroy the good with the bad-- and leave a dangerous void in the body wherever they are applied. However, if you must take any
Antibiotic drug-- then at least also take probiotics afterwards-- as well as apple cider vinegar and things like Kombucha Tea or Raw Sauer Kraut, that will bring back the good bacteria after any
Antibiotics wipe them out.
God Bless and let us know how it goes!