sounds like people might be getting a tad bit smarter. no, we didn't have all those shots. i read they have the equivelent of 52 shots to the ones we had as a kid. many believe that is why the increase in autism. i believe that and also the increase in ADD and all those types of things (along with more pollution in our water, air and food, being a factor).
More vaccines for teens. There's a hidden agenda behind this, I am sure. Did you hear that they are recommending the cervical cancer vaccine given to girls for boys also?
Here ya go!
NewsTarget Insider Alert (
Dear NewsTarget readers,
You are not going to believe today's feature story. Big Pharma has
launched a new campaign to convince people that�13-year-old�boys
need to be given HPV vaccinations. You read that right! HPV is the virus
linked to cervical cancer, and now Big Pharma is trying to convince us
all that young boys need the vaccines just in case they happen to have
certain types of contact with certain organs that shall go unnamed in
this email (click the story below for full details).
It's the latest stupid scare campaign from Big Pharma -- an industry
that's trying to turn the U.S. into a nation of hypochondriacs and
convince everyone that every human emotion, urge, or action is a
dangerous disease. Click the headline below for the full story:
Health: Absurd vaccine marketing calls for cervical cancer vaccinations
for young boys!
The headline for this story is not a typo. The push to sell more
vaccines and pharmaceuticals has now reached a level of absurdity that
should astonish any intelligent person. The mainstream media is now
reporting -- and I'm not kidding -- that young...