In people occupationally exposed to mercury vapor it was shown that weeks or months away from the workshops where the mercury vapor was inhaled allowed for natural healing and alleviation of some of the symptoms. Some of the worse cases had irreversible damage and did not recover from mercurialism.
One study showed that the feces contained more than ten times the amount of mercury than the urine. The sulfur foods were the raw materials used in making glutathione; one of the chemicals thought to bind to mercury until eliminated from the body. The garlic, eggs, onions, broccoli etc. were natural sources of this raw material sulfur. Time is the most valuable factor in becoming healed. DMSA and ALA were supposed to increase urinary excretion of mercury 2-4 times normal. What I have read is that one should wait months after
Amalgam removal if one is going to try this, again I am not an expert on the topic, in acute lead or mercury poisoning chelation was attempted. A study of chlor-alkali workers several years after they quit work involving exposure to mercury vapor indicated they had normal mercury levels in their urine (i.e. compared to the normal population of
Amalgam and non-amalgam bearers hg levels averaged). The ability of the body to excrete hg into urine may vary from person to person. The mercury content of feces as related to number of
Amalgam surfaces in the mouth was more linear and directly linked to the number of amalgams. A European study concluded that the greatest cause of excretion of mercury was not according to number of surfaces but to the amount of measured mercury vapor in the oral cavity. The amalgam surfaces are not uniform in size, shape, composition, age, condtion (i.e. chips and fractures in amalgam) etc. The measured mercury vapor in the oral cavity was more directly linked to the amount of excreted mercury. The measured amounts of mercury vapor were higher than expected.
I agree with Harley girl about the saunas. I have noticed for years that I felt better after sweating and then showering. When I had amalgams, I tried to block my teeth with my tongue and breath through my nose. When I woke in the morning, I tried to breath out at first breath to clear some of the mercury vapor. I usually felt better in the mornings. Sometimes exercise seemed to help me feel better, other times I felt tired and did not want to exercise.
At four weeks since the last of my fillings were removed in San Jose del Cabo, Mex. I seem to be making improvements. I walked about 9 miles in the past three days. Am quite sure from my readings of historical data, the levels of mercury in my blood are probably higher than they will be five-nine months from now, I have hope of greater recovery. My weight ranges from 7-10
pounds less than five weeks ago as I did much exercising and I had to give up caffeine except maybe 3-4 cups a week. Before my energy was too low and I was relying more on caffeine to try to get going. With more weight off me it is easier to move about too. In Mexico I got an ACE-inhibitor for my blood pressure and a diuretic pills. My blood pressure was in the normal range the last I checked. My heart rate was sometimes high, not linked to caffeine. Exercise and deeper breathing seems to be helping slow it some. I have to remember to be careful about my diet as eating binges seemed to make my gut grow faster than is healthy, sometimes I suffered excessive thirst and the excessive liquid intake is part of my sloppy diet. The highest levels of mercury in the brain were in the pituitary gland and this is where some of the regulation of sodium and water was controlled. Somehow I need to try to get the will to ovecome this tendancy to retain water. Weight is in the high normal range, not overweight or obese.