I've been on your web site half the day since I am unable to work right now and I do share probably 90% of your opinions.
When I was in my early 20's (I'm sixty two now so you can probably know from that, that I participated in a good deal of the sixties culture which had it's good points and it's bad) I grew up in New York City and it was there that I saw a graffiti statement written on a wall in a hippie crash pad that I always have remembered and it is the first of three things I have seen that meant much to me and have caused me to think deeply about life and what has been occurring on this planet and why there is such suffering and misery everywhere. It said "Death is merely an establishment lever" At the time it struck me as mighty curious and I wondered what exactly it could mean. I thought of it today while I was watching your video on your home page about the medical establishment.
Another one is "Listen to your breath - it will heal you" I saw that on a bathroom wall in a Laundry mat in California. I have sought teachings concerning these 2 statements for most of my life.
Life can take us down many roads and across many paths and I believe in learning from our mistakes which most us have made an abundance of. At times I have been better than than I have at others and I have developed some good habits, but also some bad and as you say, many of us have toxified our bodies - often because of mis-information and indoctrination, pain and suffering, and just plain ignorance. I am one of those and I must say that between the current physical disabilities I am suffering through right now, and coming across your writings through this forum, I am more inspired to get totally onto the path I know in my heart is correct. I'm not a Christian nor do I believe in a God that is a man or even a woman up in the sky keeping track and sending us to hell if we sin ( I was raised a Roman Catholic and I cast out those notions a long time ago because they made me terrified and ill)- but I do believe in Nature/God and in a power that is much greater and wiser than I can ever hope to be, and I certainly share your ethics entirely. I have been a spiritual seeker for many years and the journey never ends. I do hold dear the Christian teaching of "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". I do believe that nature in all it's beauty and glory is what people are trying to express when they speak of God - that which gives us a sense of awe because of it's unfathomable power and greatness. We all know that there is the law of cause and effect. Sometimes it can take a lifetime to come to some understanding of exactly how that works especially if we were never raised with any real knowledge of it.
Thank You for inspiring me.
I bought my bottle of liquid Lecithin today and I just had a most delicious lunch made entirely from food out of my garden! What a joy.
I am determined to get well now.
Blessings to you mh and your family....