Low thyroid, low metabolism, low blood pressure, low heart rate, cold feet, all symptoms of a congested liver. The colon cleanse, antiparasite program and liver decongestion I recommend for all people. (at least once a year). Doesn't matter what problem you have or been diagnosised with. Your body is simply going to run better with a clean colon, no bugs and an open liver. Once you acomplish that take a few months to let the liver and nutrition work a bit and see where you're at. It does take time to heal. Drink distilled water and take your omega 3's every night for the rest of your life.
There are many tissue specific regimes you can do but you start with the basics, colon, liver and bugs. 90 percent of the time that's all that's necessary, even in so-called "terminal" people.
One of the ways I could tell if I needed to flush was the cold feet. I do the flush and while I was laying on my right side my feet would warm up. Eventually as the liver stayed open my feet would burn, well, get real hot. I had cold feet for years and like you thought I had circulation problems. I did but it was the liver not the vascular system.
I had low B/P, low heart rate, had trouble getting that above 60, low metabolism, no energy, yet I couldn't sleep. I was a mess.
Colon, bugs, liver - do it. You aren't treating any disease you're cleaning your body out, that can't possibly hurt any existing condition and will ultimately correct any condition you may have.
We don't treat the disease, we treat the cause of the disease. Very subtle difference there but very important for the results you want. I get into that a bit in both my book and CDs......Doc Sutter
PS I just read chuckles post. MH's DeWormer has iodine in it so you won't need to supplament iodine until done with the dewormer. And coconut oil is great all the way around. Her advise is good.