I think that I have genital herpes and I am afraid it will leave a scar.
I started avaing the sintoms of herpes about 3/4 weeks ago, after about a week I picked the blisters, and became an open cut, after a while I tryed some helling oinment bepanthene, as it didn't heal I went to the doctor and It told me to not put anything that it looked like herpes and it would pass in 5 days or so. It's been almost 2 weeks. It has improved a lot the blisters are practlly gone . But I still have a pink area in the penis around 1cm2 that doesn't go away.
I have been checking it for the last 2 days, and it doesn't change.
I am very afraid, I might get a scar, and that it won't let have a normal sex life.
I feel really stupid because I picked the blisters.
Have you had a similar condition?
Do you think it will pass?
Do you think it is a scar?
Do I have to wait until the redness goes away before I can have sex again?
If it happened something similar to you, how long did it take to heal?
I feel very bad, I really want this to go away, it may sound silly or selfish because I have only had to deal with this for a month now, And some of the people here has delted with herpes for years.But I feel really bad, I don't know who to talk to, I just want to know that my pennis can return to normal soon.
Do you think it will scarr?
Thank you, I have been reading on the net, and I think I got the redness beacause i picked the scabs, I am so stupid. Now it won't have a normal looking pennis again, and noone will want to sleep with me