Hi Everyone,
I recently had an abnormal pap, most likely from HPV-this is slightly suspicious to me because the pap had to clear in order to get a controversial birth control method-the Copper T. The reason it's strange is that I have had only two partners in my life. One a condom was always used and tested neg for all stds the other also tested neg for all stds and had only been with a virgin before me (at the time another virgin) There are mixed theories on how it spreads, but my gynocologist said it only spreads through vaginal intercourse, other sources say it spreads through even a towel used by someone with the infection, and of course oral sex as well. With the known info it would almost be impossible to figure out how I contracted it-although my paps previous had come out clear up until the last one which means you can get it through oral sex as well, or it can sit dormant before becoming a viral infection. I guess it shouldn't matter where I got it or how-the fact is that I most likely have it. It's so discouraging when you try so hard to be cautious about stds and you are the one that gets one. I'm also concerned that when my ex boyfriend got drunk and cheated on me, maybe more happened than he told me, although he told me the very next day, and I've never found him to be a dishonest person, which is why I did believed what he told me had happened and we did have protected (if memory serves right) sex a few times after that occurence. I was also under the impression the
The Master Cleanse was supposed to cure viruses-I have done it about three times in my life, but none within this year. Maybe I should try doing that again, or maybe I had the virus before I did it in the past and it was just sitting and
The Master Cleanse didn't work to kill it.
Sorry about the length of this post, but I don't know how to put all of this together yet. Does anyone have any actual data about
The Master Cleanse actually killing a virus that they had prior to doing it?
This would help me not only know if I can use it as a treatment, but maybe even get a better idea of when I contracted the hpv.
Thanks so much!