You don't need to promise to pray for others, God loves to extend His hand freely, without reproach. I believe that this is NOT the will of God for you and speak healing over your body, your mind, your emotions. I bind any and every spirit of infirmity in Jesus' name and I pray that this sickness will not end in death and speak death to the cancer in your body in Jesus' name. I pray the power of the blood of Jesus over you. Just as Jesus healed all who were sick in Matthew 8, fulfilling Isaiah 53 that He bore our sicknesses and infirmities on the cross (see Matthew 8, Psalm 103, Isaiah 53, Isaiah 61 and the gospels. It is so clear that God wants to heal and I believe that He has promised it. However not everyone gets healed and I can't fully explain why, but He did call us to stand on His word and believe Him, sometimes faith is a condition for healing, other times demonic deliverance is a condition for healing. There isn't always a blanket answer, but be assured that God wants us healed and whole and I pray for power to come over your body in Jesus' name. I pray for Spirit-filled believers who will stand with you and believe God for the breaking in of healing for your life to surround you in Jesus' name. I certainly don't have all of the answers, but I will stand with you in prayer as God brings you to mind. I have seen God take someone with a fist-sized tumor in his back and three days later have an exam that showed it had disappeared! Medically verified. I have seen God heal others too and have heard of countless numbers who have been healed of all kinds of things. God is still in the business of healing. Just because it doesn't happen the first time you pray or ask, does not mean He is not willing. The scripture says to ask and keep asking, to knock and keep knocking, like the parable of the woman before the judge, who persisted and justice was granted to her. God is not wicked, but the reality of prayer is that we must persist and not grow weary. I believe the demonic realm is often times involved with infirmity and that must be addressed. Use the authority you have as a believer, washed in His blood. There are so many factors here, but don't be overwhelmed. God will speak to you and show you what to do. Remember, Jesus said that we must become like children to enter the kingdom, not seminary professors. The word of God was meant to be understood by the Holy Spirit and He always intended to speak to each believer personally. He hurts with you right now and wants to break in. I can't say what that will look like, but I bless you and stand with you in your journey, in the name of Jesus. Blessings.