If you use the pinel gland/third eye for wordly purposes it will keep you tied to this world.
The seat of the soul and the mind is this gland.
Guru ram Das says and I paraphrase to the best of my recollection
Every moment the mind wanders, lost in delusion, it ever settles down in it's Home, contemplation of the word is the remedy, (regarding the attainment of third eye power) the touch that the master places on our head, then alone does the mind settle down in it's home, the temple of the body.
We constantly are wandering out into the world from our third eye and this causes our mind to never remain silent for an instant. This may seem at first glance to be a pittance but in meditation I can get my mind to completely shut down for about 6 minutes. 6 minutes of shutdown is an eternity with the Infinite Source. Most people cannot shut their minds down for even 5-15 seconds. Try it right now! close your eyes and form no thought or inner chatter....do not think. Or give your mind a task to do such as observe the breath as it enters the nostrils. I am willing to bet most readers cannot do this task for more than 15 seconds. No matter how often you tell the mind to only pay attention to breath you will find yourself coming out of some other thought or fantasy and will only realize it once you come out as you seem to like living in fantasy. this is the minds way of living with temporal objects as most important. The mind is a selfish child, it also shows how weak the control of mind is and how tricky and deceptive the mind is. Why associate and attach to something of this nature.
I am not this body I am certainly not this mind!
So the mind you see has a constant habit of thinking of wordly affairs, people places and things. You may justify thinking of children or spouses or friends or your nest meal etc....but realize that when we do this the form of the food or the loved one comes before our mind's eye. We develop a lust or a desire for these things when we contemplate them and the mind develops attachments and desires which tie us to this earth plane.
With such lifelong practice what do you suppose will happen at the moment of visitation? at death you will contemplate some image from earth and you will return to earth to be with it the attachment is so strong. In fact it is because we are entangled in love and attachment and such for wordly objects that we come back again and again...
So contemplation of short lived objects and attachments bring us back to the world. For those who object jesus and all other masters declare the same. We should make the best of this habit of the mind since it seems natural. How do we do that?
I wonder if instead of using our internal eye to contemplate worldly things that pass away, how bout if we make practice of contemplating the infinite eternal?