Personally, I would like to think that there
are still people who would use the archives
and the search engine to flesh out their
understanding of alternative methods of
I used to frequent the
Master-Cleanse forum and post
a lot and felt it was appropriate since
it helped me learn and helped others since
when I first came to Curezone, I read so
much on Master Cleansing, I felt like I
could handle any pop quiz anyone could
throw at me. Then, I burned out, not for
any particular reason, except that I wanted
to allow my passion for other areas of
my life and curiosity to have a chance to
come forward. I do not feel badly either
since I feel if someone really is looking
for info on this site, they will see that
it can be like a gazillion page dictionary
and that it requires research and their own
effort to put together their health picture.
Like you, I have had experiences with all
kinds of doctors and am glad for it because
it makes me appreciate my responsibility
of my health choices. I feel it is difficult
for any one person to "take care of me".
My internist hated chiropractors...I loved
them. You can see where you have to become
pro-choice and assertive, even in the field
of alternative treatments.
In the end, it was asking, or asserting that
others *help* me in bringing my body back into
balance that made the biggest difference. Then,
once I knew I could have help but had to make
the choices for myself I could live with, it
was up to me to educate myself as best I could.
Here at Curezone, it seems, the site goes
through shifts as well. People come and go and
when I leave where I am, I also will go. I
will be glad for the opportunities I have found
here to be taught, as well as, to share.
Hopefully, things will shift again and there
will more new posters who bring a fresh perspective
on what they are doing. There are many names
which come to mind of people like Tony Isaac
and Telman, and many others of a long list,
when I am thinking who I am grateful for when
coming to Curezone. Many others have moved on
and I miss them, like Lapis, and WhiteTiger.
I was thinking yesterday on my daily walk,
remembering it was Hanna and her advice which
inspired confidence to even participate in Curezone.
Before that, I had never done anything but research
and had never ever used a message board.
Look for what you need, and you will probably
find it somewhere in the stack of posts...ggg...
and of course, leave as many as you want before
you leave~!