Hi, thanx for the kind words,
Yes when i was young i had a mouth full of
Amalgam fillings, this is likely a major cause of the high mercury, however i have also had alot of factory jobs working with glues, inks and chemicals.
I also remember when i was young a tube light accidentilly burst over me, and i think they r full of mercury.
Anyway, by the time i found out about the high mercury i only had 1
Amalgam left, the rest had worn out or fallen out and been replaced b ythe newer kind.
I got this 1 remaining filling removed about a month after starting glutathione, but the mistake i made was getting a normal dentist to do it. After researching it i found out u r supposed to get a homeopathic dentist to do it, because they go to the trouble of stoping u absorbing more mercury during the removal somehow. I remember getting headaches for a few days after the removal obviously due to the
sudden intake of mercury.
As the glutathione works as a natural chelating agent , it will temporarily increase the mercury, or other heavy metal levels in ur body as it draws them out of places they have settled, and u may get headaches or other symptoms for a few weeks. This is y its important to use low dosage of glutathione, instead of chelating chemicals which is what some people would suggest.
The Brand i got put on by a naturalist trichologist, is:
'Innovative Therapies' Glutathione 100mg twice daily. (As i said, low dose)
Also Chlorella is very good for heavy metal detox.
both of these u could take without a hair analysis, because they will not build up and become toxic in ur body, but its probably good to know heavy metal levels, so u know what symptoms to expect when u chelate it.
Wow, i cant believe i wrote all that, i have to get a life.