if you are at all curious about so-called numerology, and would like to understand the truth of it all, then this is for you.
First, one just can't convert the letters of a name, and expect somehow that resulting number will have any meaning relevant to you. Even if that number is the number of your own name.
If you consider it, if Fred Bloggs has the number x, and Mary Contrary also has that number, then where's the uniqueness? There will be thousands of people with the same number.
Consider also this fact: all alphabets were built from sacred symbols.
We take the abc for granted, this is due to our western education, and the extraordinary modern usage of abc letters: millions of letters streaming around the globe bearing, in the main, information concerning money.
Where's the sacrement gone?
Consider the name Pythagoras. A name synonomous with numbers. We all think this name is of a man, but there's no proof of that. None whatsoever.
We believe what history leads us to believe. Early Christianity was heavily into Pythagorean stuff, but the emphasis was removed over time, as the peasants began to gain the ability to read. One can still find vestiges in ceertain places, such as on the walls of the Vatican, or over the main entrance of Notre Dame.
So, if Pythagoras is not the name of a person, what is it the name of?
Pythagoras is the name of a philosophy. In Greek it reads 'O Peethagoras'. It is a masculine name, but that's as close as that name ever came to being the name of a man.
If any one wants to read more, or reply to what's been said, feel free to contact me.
many regards