Butyl cellosolve (also known as 2-butoxy-1-ethanol, ethylene glycol monobutyl ether, butoxyethanol, butyl oxitol) A highly toxic synthetic solvent and grease cutter that can irritate mucous membranes and cause liver damage. It is readily absorbed through the skin and is neurotoxic. Found in some all-purpose cleaners and degreasers, window cleaners, and a wide range of other household cleaning products. 2-Butoxy-1-Ethanol or butyl cellosolve are in most aerosol propellants.
From the company Union Carbide. Union Carbide Corporation is a wholly owned subsidiary of The Dow Chemical Company. http://www.unioncarbide.com/products/index.htm
Bronopol 2-bromo-2-nitropropane-1,3-diol Butane, butoxyethanol , Butyl cellosolve, 2-butoxy-1-ethanol, ethylene glycol monobutyl ether, butoxyethanol, butyl oxitol are all highly toxic synthetic solvents and grease cutters designed for the purpose of eating thru living matter. That means your membranes, your liver, your skin and your brain? They are found in degreasers, window cleaners, and other household cleaning products. Butyl Oxitol, Butylparaben, Carbon Disulfide , Caustic Soda a few more to watch. Chlorine or sodium hypochlorite, hypochlorite, chlorine dioxide, sodium dichloroixocyanurate, hydrogen chloride, hydrochloric acid, Chlorine Dioxide can be fatal upon inhalation. Chlorine and its bye products cause injuries and deaths. Chlorine gas was very efficient killing millions in concentrations camps and now chlorine gas is everywhere killing germs and who else? Chlorinated drinking water causes bladder and rectal cancer and Ohio is famous for its high level of bladder cancer. Is it the chemicals in the water or the chlorine or both? Chlorine is listed an a hazard yet its in dishwasher detergent, tub and tile cleaners and even put in swimming pools as well as drinking water enforced by the health department. They obviously have not heard of OZONE and ULTRA VIOLET for disinfection. Cocamide DEA or cocamide diethanolamine form carcinogenic nitrosamines and are in most dishwashing liquids, shampoos, and cosmetics. Cocamide, Diethanolamine is not too friendly either. Colors and Dyes (FD&C or D&C) are artificial colors made from chemicals and are cancer causing . Skin absorption as well as allergies are caused by these delightful dyes found in your children’s food, ice creams, sweets and medicines, and are also irritants to the skin and eyes. They are found on labels as FD&C or D&C and followed by a color and a number. Yellow, amber, green or blue products are obviously dyed with synthetic colors as are most all-purpose cleaners. Your medications are full of them so you do not mistake one poison for another. The medications for people suffering from allergies have these dyes in them. D-limonene is an eye and skin irritant causing neurotoxicity. D limonene is in paints, pet flea-control products, lice treatments and cleaning products. So called safe products made of citrus have this as the main ingredient. DEA is also known as diethanolamine and monoethanolamine and are specialists in causing skin and eye irritation. They create carcinogenic nitrosamines when they react with other chemicals like nitrates. Check your household cleaning and personal care products to find them. Diammonium, EDTA , Diazolidinyl ,Urea , Diethanolamine , Diethylene Dioxide, Diethylene Ether , Diethylene Oxide Diethylene ether, dioxane is listed as a hazardous air pollutant in the 1990 Clean Air Act. Check your window cleaners. EDTA known as ethylene-diamine-tetra-acetic and diammonium EDTA are irritating mucus membranes and skin leading to allergies, asthma and skin rashes. They bind with heavy metals trapped in lakes and streams so fish and fowl can get their dose and transfer it to you. It is in your laundry detergent. Ethoxylated Alcohols Ethylene, Glycol Monobutyl, Ether Ethylene, diamine-tetra-acetic , Ethylparaben Flame Retardants are all mutagenic and carcinogenic to animals. Absorbed through the skin from clothing and bedding as is formaldehyde which is an irritating, allergy-producing neurotoxin and carcinogen causing insomnia, coughing, headaches, nausea, nose bleeding skin rashes and allows for development of sensitivities to many other chemicals. 2-bromo-2-nitropropane-1,3-diol, diazolidinyl urea, DMDM hydantoin, imidazolidinyl urea and quaternium 15. All of these break down into formaldehyde. Used in deodorizers, nail polish and hardeners. A common air pollutant, it is also used in permanent press sheets, mattresses, foam, plastics and building materials. School kids and seniors living or schooling in the new prefabricated or manufactured buildings are falling like flies from the effects of the formaldehyde poisoning in these buildings. Fragrances are 95% derived from petrochemicals. Hundreds of chemicals make up the term fragrance. Ethylene chloride formaldehyde, benzene and more. All cause allergies, skin irritation, headaches nausea.
lol, that reminds me of the mercola video i blogged the other day where he says to take all your toxic cookware and give them to someone you don't like that well:
one way to never have to clean grout again is something i did:
http://jbweld.net/testimonials.php (that is me in the first one on the left)
no, the jbweld is not for grout. i invented a new use. stupidly, i wrote and relinquished all my rights. my cousin said i could have made a lot of money. he is a patent and copyright expert. i felt very stupid later. it looks cool and your tiles will outlast your house. i never had to clean it. it is kind of expensive to do and i have not done the place where i am at yet. if you do it, i suggest you buy the bigger tubes, not the small ones. use masking tape to mask it off. it drys hard like steal. make up has some of the worst chemicals ever, and remember Tammy faye died of cancer: http://youtube.com/watch?v=Inm6J1lzqBI
someone told me about neways. it is an MLM, so try to ignore that. but i hear they have safe products.
how ironic is it that she says you cannot change the world. ironic in that it is so messed up that it actually needs changed...many chemicals should never be used and especially not put in household products. i sure hate humans' complacency thinking that every product on the market, whether it is food or drugs or cleaners, is safe to use. if humans as a whole were smart, they would look at everything that someone else is trying to give them to use and go over each ingredient and find out the toxicity. but humans produce garbage and other humans buy it without question, for the most part. my thoughts: