Okey dokey, I finally got this
Colloidal Silver maker thingy set up and running...
Being prone to neurotic concerns, I immediately notice that the silver wires in my kit seem to be a little bit tarnished. Well, I thought, the silver apparently dissolves into the water, so I guess I can just start the process, let the silver wire cook for a little while, five or ten minutes, until the tarnish is gone, throw away the water and start a fresh batch. So I stuck the wires in the water and turned on the silver maker.
Then I felt all stupid and lazy, like I should go buy some silver cleaner and polish up the wires up before making the stuff so as not to waste any silver or accidentally consume some melted tarnish.
On the other hand, I figure the gasoline and silver cleaner will probably cost more than the little bit of water and silver I pour out. Lazy won out. I turned on the machine, went to check my e-mail. Sitting at the computer, concern about drinking tarnish began to grow and trouble me. I also started feeling guilty about being lazy.
What is a girl to do? Decisions Decisions. I hate making these kinds of decisions, especially with brain fog. Shopping is scary for me because there are so many choices. I could stand in the store reading labels for hours and hours and still be uncertain what I want to buy.
I went back in the kitchen to have a look and contemplate this terrible situation. One wire is covered with bubbles, and the other is not. Wonder why one is, and one isn't? That seems strange to me. Now I'm really worried.