MH 108
I have not used a full bottle of the Annointing oils or a full bottle of the TopKnot as of yet!!!!!!!!!!! But some of my customers have several times over!!!!!!!!!!!
I use 1 drop of annointing oil on an average a month and 2-4 sprays of the TopKnot maybe every 2 weeks.
The hair/scalp, etc. is ALIVE, our skin is ALIVE.........
EVERYTHING we touch and breath must enter our body, be processed and expelled.
Essential oils are VERY CONCENTRATED, when we have contact with them, our blood stream starts carrying it off ASAP and with your large dose, that means out the eyes and probably out everywhere including your feet. That is why essential oils can be so potent andshould be wisely used, they CREATE CIRCULATION in this method. Also, if someone is near death and ready to die, try 6 drops or a dropper, etc. on the top of their head and odds are, they will pass on calmly in a few minutes, this is the true use of ancient annoiting oils as I see it. I wasusing it for circulation to the scalp to save hair/color, which works for me!
WAKE UP OUT THERE PEOPLE, "EVERYTHING" we touch/breath/apply must be expelled by the body. "IF" you can't eat it, don't touch it or breathe the air around it, this is one very toxic world, we must keep our blood pure so we can handle all of these man made toxins and not accumulate them. REMEMBER, we only die when we have soaked long enough in our own poisons, otherwise, the body will/would live for ever.