I and my husband used zeolite drops 10 drops 3x day for a month. Neither of us noticed any affect. I used Modiflan 6 caps per day for 4 months and my ears that were allergic to earring since I was a young girl were now able to wear earrings all day long with no reaction. Prior to using Modiflan my ears would break out to the point of blisters and bleeding if I wore earrings for an hour. My friends told me I must be Nickel toxic. I did have a bridge in my mouth made of nickel. After using the Modiflan I have no problems anymore and where earring all day. Then some time later I ordered a urine test that tested for heavy metals. It showed that I was high in cadmium. My husband was high in nickel. I read sometimes heavy metals come out in layers so that is why I ordered the tests to see if I had any other heavy metals. I took the modiflan along with my husband this time for only 2 months and took another urine test. It showed no more high cadmium. I was all clear. My husband never took Modiflan the first time that I did. So I think that is why he showed high in Nickel his first time, Now maybe he'll show high in cadmium when we test again. I'm not sure the zeolite worked for anything as we didn't notice any difference in our health. But we know the Modiflan definitely worked for us. So we will stick with it. I ordered from a catalog I recieved in the mail that sells health food items. We ordered the Vegetarian caps.