HI, all. I've been a diabetic for 42 years and have constant periodontal disease in spite of diligent dental care and superb diabetes control. I also rinse daily with a blend of tea tree oil, hydrogen peroxide and water. I additionally have a head full of amalgam fillings and 4 root canals that flare up frequently. My teeth are a mess and I currently have multiple cavities. I recently had a tooth pulled instead of getting a root canal, and the tooth became so infected that it put a burden on my kidneys and I had severe edema for over a month. My kidneys are fine, so this reaction was not due to pre-existing kidney damage. Oddly enough, I crashed my motorcycle a few weeks later and had multiple areas with extremely deep road rash. None of those became infected and I had miraculous healing in about 1 1/2 weeks due to God's grace and my own salves and essential oil baths.
I'm starting to feel that getting all my teeth pulled and getting dentures is my best option in terms of long-term health benefits. Can anyone please share insight and advice about this? Thanks very much in advance!
Pamela (that is my mom's name)
Having diabetes of course can cause you not to heal well, but the mercury and root canals are putting an extreme burden on your immune system. They alone can cause your gum problems. If you have any crowns or bridges with nickel under them, that causes it as well. As far as pulling all your teeth, not a good idea unless they are loose and not going to heal, because it will cause bone loss. The dentist has to assess whether they should be pulled. Here is some things you may want to read: