This video was first made aware to me in the original Iodine Support forum several months ago by Lyn122. It is Jerry Brunetti's presentation given in Australia sometime around 04'. His main topic is Foods As Medicine, but the backdrop to the large part of what he knows & informs about during this presentation is by way of his own experience that began with having been given an orthodox diagnosis of terminal, non-Hodgkins Lymphoma in 99' (orthodoxy gave him 2 years or less to live). The presentation ran a little over three hours, the web video version has been split into 2 AVI files. The first hour of the first AVI consists of Jerry telling of his experience at the hands of orthodoxy who rendered their expert diagnosis for "aggressive chemotherapy". It was at this point that Jerry opted out of orthodox treatment and went on to successfully discover & apply his own unique method for healing his body. However, his description of his own understanding and research of what the orthodox method consists of and has consisted of for 30 years now is quite educational. Therein is disclosed that (paraphrased) "the orthodox cancer industry, by way of government funding, has had $200 billion dollars thrown at them over the past 30 years, and to this day, their state-of-the-art solution (chemotherap) is still based on a cocktail - MOP & CHOP, derrived from WWII Mustard Gas stockpiles". Jerry also provides a thorough lay explanation of why it is that cut / surgery as one of orthodoxy's 3 solutions to cancer most often leads to rapid spread of the cancer that in turn quickly leads to death. The educational value of this one segment alone makes the time spent to view this video wel worthwhile. Past the first hour he then gets into an A to Z explanation of the medicinal values of fruits, vegetables and, loosley, "food", to include wholesome-dairy, not to be confused with big-corp concentration-camp feed-lot dairy.
People are free to follow or wallow in whatever cancer trail, path, angle, debate or spin suits them. If this leads a person to a genuine and legitimate solution, great! If this only serves to further confuse, distract and ultimately lead to death a person in genuine need, not so good. Distractions do make for good debate as far as that goes, but how much debate over dead cancer victims need there be before people, especially those with cancer, realize that time can be short and is likely being wasted over debate? Debate on cancer for the sake of debate may be fine but it tends to muddle and skuttle the search for reasonable solutions. I admit openly that I am no cancer expert and hope to remain as such. This said, it seems logical at the least that if there is someone that deserves to have their opinions on cancer heeded, a person who is still alive many years after the fact from having healed themselves from a case that mainstream deemed terminal is one such person. From a traditional news/information point of view that people avail themselves to find tell of such people (media, internet, libraries, etc) the task is somewhat simplified in that there are so few of these people that we are informed/told about in the first place. Despite their efforts to cook the stats & numbers over the years, as a whole (all cancers lumped into one stat), the orthodox cancer industry to this day can claim no better than %5 chance for survival. It takes some study (which Jerry briefly explains) of how they construct their system of stats to discover that they are based on an arbitrary 5-year period. If an orthodox patient is still alive after 5 years (1825 days), orthodoxy counts them as a success. If they then succomb to their cancer on the 1826th day, orthodoxy does not revise their stats, they still count the dead person as among their "survivor" stats. Isn't that special? Such are the trevails of life when living in the aura of Relay for Life. Too bad people seem incapable of being convinced it's time to dump that miserably flawed & corrupted system while considering something proven far more effective 70 years ago.
How about a nationwide Relay for Rife?