The thoughts that Rayn has shared, like the considerations of the frustrated hateing/healing scorpio 52684, are the birth pains of really knowing life in a deeper way . These feelings, ideas , hypothesis, are part of the beneficial activity leading us to risk what ever it is we are holding dear but which keeps us bound to the illusion of needing things to be different.
Is there any hope of me ever -------?
If we have an understanding of what is implied by the text that advises us that the abandonment of hope is the highest happiness , then we find a new perspective different than the common social philosophy of this era. Where instead of reveling in clever sensory creations, where reality is buffered and all we experience are only shadings of the real. Where rather than satisfying, they only strengthen our tendencies of escapism and illusory conceptions. Instead of that we find the opposite. Hardcore, unfiltered, truth.
We find in investigating but allowing the frustration of unfullfilled expectations, a way of living which satisfies the misscalculation of the hopeing identity.
In abandoning hope we allow truth to be our reality without
grievance, and eventually we find that truth is really truth and all that that implies.