I first came on here to try to find some real help for my
Seborrheic Dermatitis , but I see now that it seems many are worse off than me, even though I also have vitiligo and granuloma annulare. Since the dermatitis is on my face I've been particularly concerned with this over my other disorders, which I actually forget I have sometimes.
I would recommend one product that is supposed to be suitable for eczema, psoriasis, & dermatitis. Hence, its name is psorexederm. However I can only attest to its effect on dermatitis and also my granuloma annulare.
So you may wonder, why am I on here if it works so well?
After the first few days of use, twice a day, I couldn't believe my eyes. It looked as though I no longer had the disorder, but of course I still did as I found out after using it less often. The catch to this is the fact that its a messy product, which wouldn't be a big deal if it weren't on my face.
So when you put it on you cannot rub it into your skin. It sits on your skin, some of which becomes absorbed by the skin from heat. Of course putting it on thick before you go to bed is recommended, but then you need another application of it during the day, which means you walk around with it on your face. This I could not, would not do, which is why I'm searching for something else. This product would be ideal for those who, 1. don't go out much so can afford to have it on your face most of the day, 2. those who have some disorder which is not on their face, especially covered up by clothing. Hoskingspharmacy.com is the site, which also has treatment for many other things, but I cannot comment on them.
You can read more about this product on the site if you're interested. Ingredients are: Coal tar 5%, Zinc oxide, Vitamin A & D, Antifungal Boric Acid . The 100g size jar, the smallest, is easily more than enough for you. I bought mine 4 months ago and have used only 1/4 of it. Of course it depends on the size of the area affected.
I've only used it on my face and small areas of my hands. There's also a money back guarantee, which I did not use since its the best product I've found so far, despite the messiness. Again, its also significantly helped my granuloma annulare. It seems it would help anyone with any kind of redness.
I'd also like to recommend some others ways to help your disorder.
1.Stop being depressed about it!! Of course I understand how you feel, believe me. It can be very frustrating especially if something is on your face. However, have you noticed being depressed about it doesn't help? Actually, if anything it makes it worse. So lets learn to accept the fact that we may have a chronic skin disorder(s). Its already affecting our physical body, lets not let it affect us mentally as well. That is where we have the choice.
2.This may seem obvious, but drink the recommended 8cups of water/day. So many people don't, but there are endless benefits from it. As you probably know diet also affects your skin.
That should be self explanatory.