Well, heck, doesn't sound like you are ready to die then! this is what I would suggest.
First look into growing your own wheatgrass and drinking plenty of that juice daily. Wheatgrass juice is simply THE most powerful juice on the planet in my opinion, it concentrates 80+ minerals whereas most other foods concentrate 30 or 40. Its healing powers are legendary. It is the cornerstone of the Wigmore Hippocrates Health Institute. Wheatgrass grown in soil is superior to the stuff at the juice bar. A therapeutic dose of wheatgrass juice is 6 - 8 or more
ounces a day, but that level needs to be worked up to. You may want to look into the Hippocrate's programs.
Another thing to consider is investing in a Norwalk juicer and then doing the GErson therapy. the Norwalk is a press type juicer and extracts juice from the produce while retaining high levels of enzyme activity, the juice from a Norwalk produces juice with the most life force of any other juicer. Its expensive and for the average juicer probably not worth the extra effort it takes to operate it, but if I had cancer I would get one asap.
The Gerson protocol has a very good track record at healing cancer. Its protocol consists of much fresh juice, veggie broths, coffee enemas, and high intakes of potassium and iodine. Go here for more info.
broccoli sprouts have been proven in several scientific studies to have very powerful anti carcinogenic affects. They are easy to grow yourself, and very tasty too.
As for beets, they do sound like they have some good cancer fighting properties. I found this info that might be interesting to you. God bless you and keep looking for health and expecting to be healed!
"In one study, animals under the double stress of chemically induced colon cancer and high cholesterol were divided into two groups. One group received a diet high in beet fiber while the other group served as a control. The beet fiber-fed animals rose to the challenge by increasing their activity of two antioxidant enzymes in the liver, glutathione peroxidase and glutathione-S-transferase. The liver is the body's primary detoxification organ where toxic substances are broken down and eliminated, a process that generates a lot of free radicals. Glutathione peroxidase and are the bodyguards for liver cells, protecting them from free radical attack, so they can continue to protect us.
In other animal studies, scientists have noted that animals fed beet fiber had an increase in their number of
colonic CD8 cells, special immune cells responsible for detecting and eliminating abnormal cells. With the increased surveillance provided by these additional CD8 cells, the animals in one of the studies given beet fiber had fewer pre-cancerous changes.
In stomach cancer patients, when scientists compared the effects of fruit and vegetable juices on the formation of nitrosamines, cancer-causing compounds produced in the stomach from chemicals called
nitrates , beet juice was found to be a potent inhibitor of the cell mutations caused by these compounds.
nitrates are commonly used as a chemical preservative in processed meats."