Just to lend some further weight to this by way of a few historical facts and figures:
The United States of America is a corporation;
It is an established fact that the United States Federal Government has been dissolved by the Emergency Banking Act, March 9, 1933, 48 stat. 1, Public Law 89-719; declared by President Roosevelt, being bankrupt and insolvent. H.J.R. 192, 73rd Congress m session June 5, 1933 - Joint Resolution To Suspend The Gold Standard and Abrogate The Gold Clause dissolved the Sovereign Authority of the United States and the official capacities of all United States Governmental Offices, Officers, and Departments and is further evidence that the United States Federal Government exists today in name only.
Please note, the above mentioned laws, acts and the like, while in large part quite broad, sweeping & finely-detailed complex measures, are not theories but are a few examples of pubicly recorded facts of events having occured during the past 100 to 200 years of progress achieved by way of the entity generally thought throughout to be governing and in control of places like America and England.
Few Americans realize that there are three definitions for the "United States." Most have been misled to believe that the term "United States" has a single meaning and is a generic term referring to the country as a whole?? The Second definition states "United States" (D.C.) has its own citizens (in large part by way of the fine print within the never-ratified but declared ratified nonetheless 14th Amendment). who are generally referred to as United States citizens. The yellow fringed flag signifying this jurisdiction is not for decorative purposes. It signifies the jurisdiction of the Disctrict, also known as CORPORATE U.S. FEDERAL that has been extended into the Union states by the 14th Amendment.
In essence, what the above reveals is the resultant dichotomy... the schizoid nation, if you will, that results when an original organic entity made up of, for instance, a Consitution (the original defintion) with principles such as Common Law, gradually becomes usurped by a legal fiction (a new/different definition for the same original term) based on principles that disallow Common Law in favor of Commercial Law. The legal fiction slowly comes more into existance, while at the expense of increasingly eroding and enslaving the flesh & blood. The big view over long periods clearly denote notable achievements during the course of such such history; for instance, the "civil war" and near-immediate appointment as law the 13th (3rd version, by the way) and 14th Amendments in it's wake. These are but a few significant examples of many in an ongoing & contrived evolutionary process, with numerous other landmark achievements throughout. By necessity of the nature of such a legal fiction, it requires a steady introduction of additional legal devices in order to make it appear as though it is real. A fictional entity might well be made to masquerade as though it is a real-life entity, but a fiction cannot ever merge with the real. The subsequent phenom called America speaks to this in shouting terms of the conflicts that arise when attempts are increasingly made to mix & merge the fiction with the genuine. The schizoid nature of America and it's inhabitants during the past 50 years alone points, repeatedly, to the kidn of results that occur when a fiction increasingly endeavors to usurp a genuine entity. For the people, it does not help them in their conflicts and their cofnusions that they may remain unaware of this process throughout, or may have had opportunity to become aware but chose to be unwilling to admit the existance of the fiction. This is not difficult to understand since this kind of information & facts of history, when taken as a whole, to those unfamiliar, are so foreign to their engrained realities that it may be much easier to dismiss such facts as merely a fancifuul figment of imagination or somebod's idea of scare tactics; facts are facts.
Just one example from many: the U.S. Supreme Court ruled "decided" many years ago that a corporation is a person. Think about that long and hard. Prior to such landmark decision, people at large generally understood the former to be an entity of fiction created by the state to serve the state's business & legal purposes. People by and large accepted the latter to be a flesh & blood genuine entity created to serve the purpose of the Creator... or perhaps Darwin, depending on one's views of such. Such a court decision was yet another step of many in the long cycles necessary to more closely render real flesh & blood humans into slaves of a legal fiction.