THERE is a KEY to this problem, some where down the line, there was a CAUSE....
My guess is usually Mercury, Arsenic or even a common parasite, which would also be a result of the poisons...
Odds are, the damage was done in the first 3 months of pregancy, either by poison, lack of nutrition or handed down from genetics, etc., etc.............all of which is in the past.
YES, he is under weight.
NO COW MILK or SOY MILK products is my best suggestion about milk, use goats milk diluted 50% with distilled water.
Make your own water, then make fruit juices from organic non-corn sysrup frozen juice, unless your making fresh juice.
BABY CALM, the moms that have used it, use 5-10 gallons by age 2, it makes all the differance in the world.
Change your soaps, change houses if you need to, something is toxic around you! Wallpaper is toxic, carpets, etc., etc......
The Baby Calm formula can be modified to supply all supplements, the rest is live fruit diet. As few cloths and no shoes or socks needed for a toddler. Lots of sunshine (never burn, but very, very tanned).
GET to a GOOD CHIROPRACTOR ASAP, I have no doubt my chiropractor could do wonders in short time, but he is the only one that would know after the first few treatments...THE KEY is no poisons and then enhance NATURE!
DO IT NOW, because by age 5, things become permanent.
I suggest you call Brenda First of Next Week when she gets back..........she ca give you the chiropractors phone and give him a call and see if he can hook you up with a local chiropractor that may have a clue as to what to do.