I am curious what women think of a man that had a vasectomy? I have had discussions and some women see a man that has had a vascetomy as less appealing because they are not potient for lack of a better term. Not because they wanted to get pregnant, actually they were just the opposite and didnt want to get pregnant which I found odd for them to say. They said it just changes their view of them and that attraction level to the man. I am not sure how to word it accurately as I dont see it that way and I dont remember their exact words. Maybe it is that whole evolutionary thing where some women are attracted to men they view as the alpha male, best genes, etc...and if you cannot reproduce then it is less of an attractant versus a man that can still reproduce all being the same otherwise?
I am not speaking of women that want to get pregnant, just the average woman. I would love to hear your opinions!